Chapter 3

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"And... Here it is!" Ty unlocks the door to her apartment and holds it open for me to enter. The apartment is beautiful, with three bathrooms and two bedrooms. 

"Ty... Jesus this place is amazing!" I looked around, astonished. 

"Thanks, Dad's paying for it," she smiles and laughs. Her dad was always like that, literally wrapped around Ty's finger.   Ty showed me to my room, which was a bit plain since it was unused and I came on such short notice. The walls were mint green and the bedspread was floral. It was very 'Ty.' Very vintage. Ty and I spent hours unpacking my stuff, when we decided to take a break and go for a Starbucks run. We walked two blocks to the nearest Starbucks only to be greeted by flashing cameras and a group of screaming girls. Ty and I looked at each other, bewildered, when I whispered to her, "What the hell is going on here?" 

"I don't know," she replied, "but I want my java chip frap so let's go."  We walked through the crowd and entered the shop when we were greeted by a tall boy and a starstruck barista.

"Ty who the hell is that?!"

"I think that's one of the kids from One Direction," she whispered. I scoffed and walked up to the counter behind Mr. Cookie Cutter Popstar, when his sunglasses came off and his green eyes centered on me.

"Hi, I'm Harry," he stuck his hand out.

"Sam," I replied, confused, and shook his hand. 

"Nice to meet you," he smiled and winked at me.

"Nice to meet you too." Harry paid the barista and slid down to the other end of the counter, when I turned to Ty, her blue eyes wider than ever. I rolled my eyes at her and ordered our drinks. I paid the barista and slid down to the end of the counter, only to meet Harry once more.

"You don't know who I am, do you?" He asked.

"Not really," I answered honestly. I had no clue who the hell he was or why there were 13 year olds outside crying over him. 

"You're Harry from One Direction, right?" Ty asked.

"Yeah, I am," he chuckled. His eyes turned back to me.

"Well, Sam, I'd love to see you again," he handed me a napkin with his name and number scribbled on it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not, I'm not interested.."

  "Oh." Harry frowned.

"Sorry.." I turned and walked away with my drink when I noticed Ty wasn't next to me. I turned around and she was running to catch up. We walked back to the apartment and I no longer even remembered the name of the curly haired boy, until I got a text.  

Hey Sam, it's Harry. I was wondering if you'd like to grab dinner with me? xxx

Oh no. Ty. Before I could even reply Ty was tackling me for my phone.

"Ow ow ow Ty I'm injured remember!?" I winced as her elbow made contact with my cracked and bruised ribs. 

"Yeah yeah yeah save it! Haha!" Ty replied as she ran away with my phone. Five minutes later, she came waltzing in to my room. 

"You my dear, have a date with Harry Styles. In two hours. Chop chop!" Ty screamed. 

"What!? Ty no! I was just almost killed by a guy, I'm taking a break from the dating scene for a while, maybe forever. And why the hell did you give him my number!?," I replied and Ty laughed.

"Ok ok so don't think of it as a date. You're going out with a friend. You need to make some friends here, we're gonna get you a life," she giggled, "besides, you can't say no. I already told him yes. And gave him the address," as Ty finished her sentence my phone buzzed. 

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