Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning still in my clothes from yesterday. I felt an unfamiliar warmth when I looked down to find two strong arms wrapped around my waist. Immediately my stomach dropped in panic, but then I remembered: Harry. Harry's presence was something I never experienced like this before. In all honesty, I was afraid of it. But now, I'm not regretting letting Harry in at all. I enjoyed his presence. It was also the first night I didn't have any nightmares. I tried to shift positions in bed but Harry's arms were so tight around me I couldn't move.  My shifting woke Harry up and he groaned in my ear. Instead of letting me go, he squeezed me tighter. 

"Ow, Harry, my ribs are still healing."

"Oh God I'm sorry Sam."

"It's fine, it just hurts." Harry's grip loosened and I was now free to move. I turned around to face him. I placed my hands on his chest. I'm not sure what I'm doing, but it feels right. I looked up to meet Harry's green eyes with mine, his large hand strokes my cheek.

"God, Sam, you're driving me crazy," he whispers. He leans towards me, and for the first time, I'm not afraid of what's about to happen. Harry's lips meet mine. We kissed. It wasn't weird, it wasn't drawn out or messy or gross or anything like that. It was soft, and it was meaningful. 

But then I realized what I had done. Everything that I had done. The kiss, begging Harry to stay the night, the fact that Harry knew about Ryan, everything. I immediately pulled away and sat up. "

This was a mistake. You should go."

"What? Sam I thought it was all okay now I-I... I told you I wouldn't hurt you."

"Harry. You need to leave. I'm sorry I wasted your night and ruined your shirt with my tears."

"Samantha you-"

"Sam," I corrected him.

"Sam you didn't ruin anything, I did this because I care about you-"

"Harry I can't do this right now you need to leave." He got up without a word and wiggled back in to his skinny jeans, walked out of my room, to the front door, and slammed it shut. I didn't quite get why he was mad, it's my life that I'm trying to fix here. It isn't his problem.


"Harry I can't do this right now you need to leave." What the hell? Last night she wanted me to stay and now she wants me to leave? I'm trying so hard to understand her, I'm trying so hard to be there for her and she won't even give me a chance. Fine, then. I will leave. I got up and put my jeans back on, walked out of Sam's room and left. I walked to the elevator, furious, and by the time I got to my apartment I surely had smoke coming out of my ears. I want to be there for Sam. Not even that, I want Sam to be mine. I want Sam to be happy. But she never gives me a chance. She's so scared and I understand why but I can't help but let it get to me. What the hell do I have to do to make her see that? When I first met Sam, I knew I wanted her. She was beautiful, which was why I introduced myself so quickly. I just never thought I would like her this much. Even with the baggage, even with the fear, even with the stubbornness and how closed off she can be, I want her. I want her more than I ever thought I would. Just as I pieced together my emotion filled thoughts, I got a call from Louis.

"Hey, Lou."

"Hey, mate, you back from Sam's yet?"

"Yeah. She kicked me out."

"What!? I thought things were going well... You know.. I thought maybe you'd get lucky last night."

"Far from it. She's mad at me." I don't plan on telling anyone about the kiss this morning. It meant the world to me, but like Sam said, it was a mistake.

"Sorry to hear that Haz. We're here for you if you need us. Management wants us at the studio in an hour. Paul's picking us up."

"I'm not coming."

"Harry you have to come it's your job."

"Louis, I said I'm not coming. I'm not in the mood. They can call and yell at me I don't really care. I'm not coming." I was too mad to think about anything else but Sam. I kept replaying last night and this morning in my mind.  "Harry. You're angry. I know Sam isn't happy and I know she's been through a lot, but mate, you brought her around three days after you met her. We never meet your girls. Why is Sam so different for you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Harry don't bs me. We all see it. You've been on two dates with her and we can already see the change in you. You've never quite been like this before. Harry you love her." I immediately hung up on Louis. I don't love Sam I don't know her well enough. I just want her more than I thought I would. I want to show her what a real relationship is, not the kind where you are constantly abused. I want to protect her from everything that could hurt her. I would do anything for Sam. That's not love. Is it? Maybe it is. Maybe I am. I thought back to my sister and my mum and dad and stepdad and realized that I would do anything for them, anything to make them happy, anything to protect them. Because I love them. I would do the same for Sam. And it's because I love her. Louis is right.

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