Chapter 18

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I woke up in a white hospital room, something I’ve become all too familiar with. There were flowers and balloons scattered everywhere, I could hear nurses in the hallway. There was a tube across my face that was supplying air to me, it was quite annoying actually. I reached up to rip it off when I saw Harry sitting in a chair beside me.

“You… you’re awake,” his eyes lit up. The last time I saw Harry I thought I lost him.


“I’m here babe, I’m here.”

“I thought I lost you,” I tried to sit up to hug him but I couldn’t. Every inch in my body ached. I noticed the sling on Harry’s arm.

“Is that from…”

“Ryan shot me in the shoulder.” I wanted to cry. My biggest fears had come true. One of the people I cared about most got hurt.

And then I thought of Ty.

“Where’s Ty?” I was worried now. I think I remember something about her getting hurt. I was hoping it wasn’t true.

Harry pulled back the curtain behind him to reveal that my best friend was also my roommate in the hospital.

Ty was asleep, and Niall clutched her hand and rested his forehead on the side of the hospital bed.

“Is she… is she okay?” my voice cracked.

“You’ve been out for two days, Samantha. You lost more blood than me or Ty. Liam said you were gushing when the ambulance came.”

“But is Ty okay?”

“Bredston shot her in the stomach. The doctor said that normally the injury would have been life threatening but the bullet got logged in an embryo. It stopped it from killing her.”

“What does that mean?”

“Ty was pregnant.”


“The baby didn’t survive. She wasn’t very far along, only about two weeks. She could have lost the baby anyway, a lot of people do up to seven weeks that’s what the doctor said-”

Harry was cut off by my break down.


A baby.


All she had ever wanted.

Perfect baby, perfect boy, perfect little house. She could’ve had it.

She lost it because of me.

“Sam, baby, shhhh you’ll wake her up.”

“She’s been up?”

“Yes. I was discharged yesterday, I didn’t have much damage to my shoulder. Ty woke up this morning for the first time. And now you’re awake too,” he tried his best to smile at me but I saw right through him. He was a wreck, an absolute wreck.

“How is he?”



“Honestly? Bad. Very bad. We have never seen him like this before.”

“The baby was his.”

“I know.”

“Does he know about it?”

“He never left her side.”

And just like that, I’ve ruined Niall as well.

“Sam, this isn’t your fault you don’t deserve any of this…”

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