Chapter 27

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“My room is right over here,” Harry lead me up the steps and down the hall somehow carrying both suitcases. I turned the doorknob to reveal gray-blue walls and a double bed with a plaid comforter.

“I know the bed is kind of small but I figured we would make the most of it,” he winks and wiggles his eyebrows and I scoff.

He drops our bags beside the dresser and wraps his arms around my waist from the back, nuzzling his chin in my neck.

“I love you,” he stated, planting a kiss on my jawline.

“I love you too,” I smiled at his gesture.

“We should unpack,” I giggled and I saw him roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye.

“All you ever do is nag me to pack and unpack,” he teases and I laugh. Finally he loosens his grip and I walk over to the suitcases, attempting to pull mine out and lay it on the floor.

“Sam you look ridiculous, here,” he grabs the suitcase out of my hand and carries it to the bed with only one arm, lays it down, and unzips it for me.

“Thank you,” I smile and he bows like a gentleman.

I immediately thought about our time here, and I realized that it was August, so three months would be the beginning of January.

“Are we spending Christmas here?” I asked while I pulled out my jeans pile from my suitcase and placed them in the spare drawers in Harry’s dresser.

“Yeah… I thought that would be nice. You know, we could spend Christmas together and we’re supposed to go back to LA to finish the album right after New Year’s so I thought maybe we could all meet up and spend New Year’s together before we leave,” Harry smiled up at me, sitting on the floor emptying his suitcase as well.

“That sounds great,” I smiled back.


I put my pile of pajamas in to the next drawer in Harry’s dresser and sat down next to him on the floor.

“I’m happy I came with you,” I tell him.

“I’m happy you came too,” and with that my phone rang.


“How’s England? You’re on the front of every magazine,” I could picture his smirk behind the phone. Ryan.

“Why are you calling me?” I asked, frantic and Harry’s worried eyes met mine.

“Dan and I have been on the run since our little encounter, I thought maybe you would like to hear from me.”

“You thought wrong,” I snapped and he laughed.

“You shouldn’t be so feisty, Sam.”

“I can be, I’m safe now, with real policemen protecting me.”

“That’s why I called you on this payphone, Sam,” his voice was condescending.

“Please stop,” my emotions shifted as I sat myself down on Harry’s bed beside my suitcase and let a tear escape.

“Samantha who the hell is that!?” Harry was yelling now, walking towards me.

“Is that Harry? Ooh, let me talk to him,” he laughed.

“Samantha, give me the phone,” Harry stated, sternly.    

“Yeah, Sammy, give him the phone,” Ryan mocked.

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