Chapter 20

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Eight days passed in the hospital. Eight. Ty and I were in worse shape than we thought. Ty had to have reconstructive surgery on her uterus because of where the bullet hit.

I was so badly bruised on my legs that I wasn’t allowed to lay sideways. When I was finally able to move, they brought out a walker and taught me how to walk again.

It’s a bit frightening to think that you have to learn to walk again.

Yesterday I got my stitches out from above my eyebrow, in all honesty I didn’t even know I had any there.

For the first time today, I looked in a mirror. I hadn’t seen myself in almost two weeks. The injuries on my face, even after two weeks, are still worse than they were the night Ryan almost killed me.

I have to assume that I was even closer to death this time.

I sat up in my hospital bed, staring at the corner of the wall, letting my thoughts run ramped when Harry’s hand squeezed mine. I noticed Niall’s rosary, the beads scattered around the floor in the corner. It must have broken when he threw it last week.

He hadn’t been back much after that, but when he was, he didn’t speak. His eyes were always red. He sat next to Ty, angry and broken. I think Ty’s injuries affected Niall more than they affected her.

Things weren’t good with Niall and Ty since they fought. They didn’t speak to each other, but Liam was always there for her so she had someone. He has a good heart, that boy. I think Niall was jealous that Liam was able to be there for Ty more than he was. In all honesty, Niall didn’t know how to handle the situation. No one really did, but Niall didn’t know what to do with himself.

The LAPD and the FBI came three times to talk to Ty and I. They asked us all about Ryan, the boys, my parents, Bredston, everything.

For the first time, I think I might actually be safe from Ryan.

I think the police are going to help us this time.

My thoughts were interrupted by Dr. Ghaliger walking in to our hospital room to speak to Harry and I.

“Hello, Miss Zenna.”

“Hello, Dr. Ghaliger.”

“Hello Harry.”

“How is she?” Harry asked, worried.

“Better than she was eight days ago. A lot better,” Ghaliger smiled and Harry’s eyes lit up.

“I think she can go home soon. Maybe tomorrow.” IS HE FOR REAL.

“REALLY!?” I was so excited, I couldn’t wait to go home and get the hell out of this hospital.

“Really. The nurses and I are working on your discharge papers now. Dr. Evans wants to keep Ty a little longer though, she could be out by Thursday.” That’s three days from now. I didn’t know what I would do with Ty in the hospital and not at home, but I knew that I would be here by her side, just as Harry was with me.

“Thank you so much, Dr. Ghaliger.”

“Dr. Ghaliger, is she going home with any medications? Like pain killers or anything like that?” Harry was really on top of this, I looked at him and smiled. I was proud of him  for being so responsible, and it made me feel amazing to know that he was being responsible for me.

“Good question Harry, good question. I think I’m going to prescribe something, probably like 900 mg’s of ibuprofen,” he stated.

“What does that mean?” Harry asked before I could even get the words out.

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