Chapter 23

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“Can I talk to Niall for a sec? Like… alone?” I stated and I watched everyone grow tense. Sam smiled at me and nodded as Harry helped her hobble out of my hospital room. Before I knew it, Liam, Sam, and Harry were in the hallway and Niall and I were left to talk.

“What happened to you, Niall?” I looked at him, worried, while he toyed with his jeans before looking up and making eye contact with me.

“Everything.” He looked like he might cry, his chin was quivering and his eyes were watery, he looked distraught.

“Niall please tell me, what is it? What happened? Is it because of all this? Is it me? Is it the baby?” He cringed at my suggestions before finally answering me.

“Seeing you, seeing you like that… they weren’t fast enough helping you I didn’t want to lose you all I wanted was for you to be happy I-”

“Niall it’s all going to work out-”

“I lost a child, Ty…”

“I did too, and it kills me. I think about what it would have been like every day if none of this had happened.” I tried my best to choke back the tears, but I couldn’t. I let them escape, falling on to my hospital gown.

“I’m sorry, Ty…” he put his head down and grabbed my hand. I was glad that he was sorry, but all I could think of was the day he came here drunk.

“Why did you come to visit me while you were piss drunk?” I let the words fall out of my mouth.

“I don’t know I just thought that maybe… maybe since I didn’t have anything else, I didn’t have a way to feel better I thought maybe drinking would help…”

“Niall. You need to learn how to handle yourself.” There, I said it.

“I’m sorry…”

“You threw a rosary, started a fight with my doctor, came to visit me drunk… that isn’t okay. You know that. We both do. I need you, Niall. I need you to be here for me, but how can you do that when you can’t even be there for yourself?”

“Ty, I love you, you know that-”

“I know that, Niall. And you know I love you too. But I’m serious here you need to get yourself under control…”

“I’m so sorry, baby.”

“I know you are.”

“I’m gonna try really hard to do my best for us, honest.” He looked at me with the blue eyes I knew so well. I reached up and grabbed Niall’s face in my hands, and for the first time in two weeks. I kissed him.


Taking Ty home was the best thing that has happened in weeks. Better than me coming home. It made me feel like, for the first time, things were back on track. Things were going the way they were supposed to. We all hung out the night Ty got out, as a sort of celebration. We ordered Chinese food and sat in me and Ty’s apartment on the floor. Niall and Ty were ok now, Niall had some fixing to do but he was at least trying. Harry and I were good, he was nervous about the press conference tomorrow but I knew he would do great.

For the first time since Mom left and Dad died, I felt as though I belonged somewhere.

Ty, Harry, the boys… they were my family.

They were all I had.

“What are you thinking about?” Harry broke my train of thought.

“Everything.” I looked up and smiled at him.

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