Chapter 13

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Harry walked out from the terrace with puffy eyes closely followed by Liam. I can’t believe he was crying. What was it that made him upset? What did Liam and him talk about?

“So now that all that’s over, let me show you guys where you’ll be. I have 2 spare bedrooms so I thought I would give them to Ty and Sam. Some of yoou guys can bunk with me and others can stay on the couch out here,” Liam showed Ty and I to our rooms, Harry following him.

The walls in both rooms were white and the blankets were blue. It was very simple, but very nice. We had dressers, nightstands, tvs, the works. Ty and I would share a bathroom. I walked in to my room and placed my bags on my bed when I noticed Harry standing in my doorway and looked up.

“Just because we’re at Liam’s doesn’t mean I’m not staying with you.”


“Sam I’m sorry for what I did I know I apologized earlier but-”

“Harry. He would have found me anyway. It doesn’t matter.”

“How could you say that?”


“That it doesn’t matter. That your safety doesn’t matter.”

“I should have let him kill me, Harry. None of us would be in this mess.”

“Don’t you dare say that!” his tone raised. Why was he angry?

“Don’t shout at me Harry this is my life, I should have let it happen because now everyone’s involved.” I sat down on the bed and started to cry. I’ve been doing a lot of that lately. It’s kind of embarrassing.

“I would rather be in this mess with you than alone anywhere else.” He walked over to the bed and put his arm around me.

“Harry hiding here at Liam’s isn’t going to keep him from finding me. What if he hurts you? Or Ty? Or any of the other boys? You need to let me go back so he can have me-”

“Sam you aren’t going anywhere. We are protecting you. There’s a good chance he may not even find you. It’s all going to work out in the end, Sam. I know you insist on not calling the police but I think we should, even though he told us both not to.”

“He told you not to?”

“He said one of the officers on the NYPD wound up dead before he was released and that he knows people. He said he could do the same in LA.”

It all made sense now. He was behind Durschtin’s death. It was him.

“Harry I’m scared.” I don’t know why I said that. Of course I was scared.

“I know, baby, I know. I’m scared for you too. But we won’t let him near you. We won’t, I promise.”

I sat on the bed wrapped in Harry’s arms, my head to his chest, sobbing. Another t shirt of his that I’ve ruined. He rubbed my back and hugged me tightly before he spoke again, in a whisper:

“You’ve got no idea how much I care for you, Samantha.” I popped my head up and wiped my tears.

“What do you mean?”

“What do you think I mean? Ever since that day in Starbucks two months ago, ever since you have never left my mind. You met the lads after knowing me for three days. You’re beautiful. You’re down to earth. You’ve been through so much more than you deserve. What you went through with that godawful scumbag, that’s not love. I want you to know what it’s like to be loved the way Ryan should have loved you. The way…. the way that I do.” WHAT JUST HAPPENED.

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