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"Hi, Uncle Harry. Hi, Aunt Sam." I put the flowers down on the grass as my strawberry blonde hair blew in front of my face. I knelt down on the grass.

"Mom and Dad finally let me come see you guys." A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Aunt Sam, Mom named me after you. I don't know if she ever told you, but she said you were the best friend she could ever ask for. She said she never would have made it through high school without you." I smiled at the bronze plaques with my Aunt and Uncle's names on them.

"Uncle Harry, Daddy told me what you did, you know for Aunt Sam. He told me about the time that bad man shot you in the shoulder. He also told me what you did so you could be with Aunt Sam. I think it's really romantic and brave of you." Another tear trickled down my cheek to my lips as I thought of my dad telling me the stories of Harry and Sam. He used to tell them like bedtime stories when I was little, about how much they loved each other. I never thought the stories were real, let alone those of my Aunt and Uncle. I thought about when Daddy finally told me what happened, about the bad man named Ryan and how Uncle Harry couldn't live without Aunt Sam. About how he went home after her funeral and stole Uncle Louis' whiskey and Aunt Sam's prescription medicine and killed himself.

"They miss you, a lot. Mom and Dad and Uncle Zayn and Uncle Liam and Uncle Lou. They said they miss your jokes, Uncle Harry. Uncle Liam married a really nice girl. Her name is Brooke, she has red hair like mom. She's really pretty. She always says she wishes she could have met you guys."

"Mom and Dad don't come to see you guys anymore. No one really does. It's hard for them. They cry a lot. But I wanted to come see you, I knew that if I were in the ground for fifteen years I would want someone to come visit me," I chuckled silently.

"Daddy wants you to know, Uncle Harry, that just because One Direction fell apart doesn't mean it's your fault. You did what you felt was right to be with Aunt Sam, and they respect it. They just... They miss you guys, so much. Mom still cries every day. I think she's broken. I just wish Daddy could fix her the way you tried to fix each other."

The End.

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