Chapter 19

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“Niall… why didn’t you tell me this morning…?” Ty’s voice cracked and she fell apart. She began sobbing, when she raised her arm to wipe the tears her IV alarm went off. Niall got mad and broke one of the vases that held flowers for Sam and Ty, he kicked the chair and stormed out of the hospital room. Niall’s anger and Ty’s crying made Sam stressed, and her heart monitor began beeping faster when nurses ran in.

“Is everything okay in here? I see both of you are awake now,” one smiled while the other checked Sam and Ty’s IVs and heart monitors.

“We’re fine. Thank you.” I said forcefully and they got the message, walking back to the nurses’ station. I didn’t want to be rude, but there was so much Ty and Sam needed to know.

“Now before I start telling both of you what’s going on, I want you both to know that it is all going to be okay and it will work out.” Ty wiped her tears and nodded while Sam clutched on to my hand.

“Now, Liam called management and told everyone what was going on. They’re mad at us. They wanted us laying low in LA and really focusing on work, but things don’t always go as planned.

"The media knows we’re here. The place is swarmed with paps and flashing cameras, fans too. That means that Ty, you’re relationship with Niall is now official and public. Sam, this means that ours is too.

"Louis called the police after Ty was shot. When Liam and Zayn went to go see what Ryan and Bredston were doing, they were gone. The LAPD are on the case and they’re in contact with the FBI, they’re looking for Bredston and Ryan. They’re going to want to interview you both at one point before you leave the hospital, maybe multiple times. They’ve already talked to the landlord at Windsor, but they really want to talk to you, Sam. They also want interviews from all of the boys, myself, and you, Ty. I don’t know when they’re coming; it’s up to the doctors. Both of you guys are up now and the nurses have been here, I’m sure the doctors will be here soon. Any questions?”

Ty tried her best to smile at me but Sam didn’t say a word. She didn’t even look up at me. “Sam, it’s going to be okay…” I made circles on her hand with my thumb, and she finally made eye contact with me.

“I just can’t believe I let you and Ty get hurt,” Sam hung her head and looked at the pattern of her hospital gown when I saw the tears fall.

“Sam we’re going to be safe now, the police are here, the FBI is here they’re going to catch them and we’re going to be fine-”

“I’m so sorry, Harry,” Sam began to cry again.

I can’t stand to see her hurting this much.

My Sam.

“The other boys, they want to see you guys, I’m sure Niall’s calm now, Ty.”

And with that Sam’s doctor walked in.

“Hello, Miss Zenna. My name is Dr. Ghaliger, it’s nice to see you’re finally awake.”

“Yeah.” She replied half- heartedly.

“You’ve got a bit of damage to you, Sam. But we’re going to fix it. Harry, do you mind if I talk to you for a moment in the hallway?”

I don’t know if this is good or bad.


I kissed the top of Sam’s head and waved goodbye to Ty before exiting the room to stand in the white hallway of the hospital.

“She’s not good, Harry.”

My heart sunk.

“What do you mean?”

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