Chapter 25

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“Har are we going shopping when we get there or do I need to pack everything I own?” I pushed my blonde hair out of my face and looked up to see Harry laying on the bed laughing.

“Babe don’t worry about it just bring whatever and if you need something I’ll take you shopping,” he propped himself up on one arm and smiled at me. He was in his boxers and a t shirt, a bandana tied around his head to keep his curls out of his face. At least it wasn’t one of his headbands.

“You mean I’ll take me shopping,” I corrected him.

“No you won’t. I’ll take you shopping.” He smiled at me and I turned around and threw one of my shirts at him.


“Harry we really need to pack we leave tonight…” I trailed of, my mind in one hundred places at once.

 “Sam, stop stressing,” he climbed off the bed and walked to me, snaking his arms around my waist.

“This is supposed to be fun, this trip is for us. I want you to be relaxed,” his fingers trailed down my shoulder and my arm, his eyes raked my body.

“I also need you to bring those shorts because they look really, really good.” I gasped and swatted his good arm and he laughed. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a few more shirts and threw them in to my suitcase.

“Oh and bring these,” I turned around and Harry flung a piece of clothing with his two fingers and it hit me in the face.

“Harry what the hell…” I looked down and saw a pair of pink lacey underwear on the floor.

“Harry!” I gasped again.

“Samantha!” he mocked me and walked over to me. I looked down at the pink underwear that just so happened to be my favorite pair laying on the floor and I blushed.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Sam,” he stroked my cheek but I kept my eyes on the floor.

“Hey,” he put his hand underneath my chin and tilted my head up to make eye contact with him.

“I love you,” his eyes were promising.

“I love you too,” he smiled at me and touched his lips to mine.

“You’re a perv today,” I laughed and he smiled.

“Happens,” he shrugged his shoulders and pulled me in for a hug.

“We do really need to pack now…” I sighed and he chuckled.

“Sure, Sam,” he said sarcastically and grabbed his jeans off the floor.

“I’ll bring these… and you.” He smiled and I rolled my eyes.

“That’s really romantic of you but you need to pack,” I said sarcastically.

“Would you like me to go back to my place and pack my things? Leaving you alone?” he said sadistically and I knew he knew I didn’t want him to leave.

“I have Ty here,” I countered and he scoffed.

“How about this: I help you pack and then you help me pack. You can come to my place and yell at me while I goof off, yeah?” he smiled and I laughed at him.

“Sure. Why not.”

“Good. Now really pick those pink knickers off the floor and put them in your suitcase.”












I pulled my suitcase behind me and held Sam close to my body under my jacket, shielding her from the flashing cameras. The boys and Ty filed behind us with security surrounding us and Paul pulling Sam’s suitcase. I didn’t want her pulling something so heavy with all her bruises, even though she was healing, her ribs still hurt her a bit.

“Har, is it always like this?” She tilted her head up to me inside my jacket and I looked down in to her blue eyes, smiling. Something about the way she said my name, not ‘Harry’, not ‘Haz’, Har.

“Pretty much. Don’t worry, I’ve gotcha.” She smiled at me like she wanted to steal a kiss but didn’t because of the cameras.

Soon enough we were away from the cameras going through security. I took all my rings off and put them in the bin along with my phone, necklace and shoes. Sam kicked off her flip flops and put them in the bin and I looked at her, smiling. Her hair was up in a messy bun, she was in tight little shorts, one of my white t shirts, and a sweatshirt. My shirt was way too big on her, but she looked amazing. This was my Sam.

“What are you looking at?” She asked me and laughed.

“You,” I blushed and she giggled.

“Good God get a room you guys are so lovey dovey I…” Liam droned on and the boys laughed. Ty looked at me and smiled, and I realized then and there that this was what I was meant to do. I was meant to meet Sam, as was Niall to meet Ty, even everything we went through, it was meant to be. Cliché I know, but really I meant it.

Before I knew it we were boarding the plane, two rows of two and one of three in first class. Sam and I, behind us Niall and Ty, and next to us Louis, Liam and Zayn. I felt bad for them, because I knew how much Lou and Zayn missed Perrie and El. Even more so I knew that this trip was going to be hard for Liam because of Danielle.

“Ty if you kick my seat there is going to be a problem,” Sam teased and Ty deliberately swung her foot out to reach the back of Sam’s chair. Niall’s laughter boomed throughout the plane and the lights above signaled for us to buckle our seatbelts.

“Do you want gum?” I turned to her and she shook her head. I always needed to chew gum during a takeoff, it helped with my ears popping. I opened the pack and popped a square in to my mouth.

“You chomp like a cow,” she giggled and I pouted.

“Good.” I added sarcastically.

“Be nice,” she smiled and put her head on my shoulder.

“Your hair smells good,” I tell her.

“Does it smell like rosemary and mint?”


“That’s the name of my shampoo.”

“No one cares!” Louis shouted and she laughed.

“So wait, how long is this flight?” she picked her head up and locked her eyes with mine.

“Twenty hours…”

“Ughhhh,” she groaned and put her head back on my shoulder. I rested my head on hers and eventually we were all asleep.

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