Chapter 15

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“Whatever.” I ran out of my bedroom with Niall half naked for Harry to tell me I couldn’t even comfort my best friend? Hell no. ‘You’ve had her for 14 years…’ What does he think this is? Just because Sam and him are together now he has the first say on my best friend’s health? Harry picked Sam up and carried her to her room, leaving the boys and I standing here in the kitchen. I looked down and remembered I was only in a shirt and underwear. Niall was in his boxers. I didn’t even care.

I sat myself down at the kitchen table when Niall pulled up a chair beside me and stroked my back. I was mad at Harry for scooping Sam up and running away, but I was even more upset that Sam had chosen him over me.

“Ty, babe you know she cares about you I think she just needed Harry right now… I mean, you saw her-”

“Niall. I slept on her floor for a good two weeks and dealt with her nightmares before Harry stayed with her. I was there for her since day one, I don’t get why she wouldn’t want me to be there for her now.”

“It’s not that she doesn’t want you, she just doesn’t feel safe right now. I don’t know what happened but we all heard her say Ryan is coming. Harry makes her feel safe.”

I put my head down on the table and cried. I was still mad at Harry, but I also felt bad for feeling like Sam didn’t want me when I knew she needed Harry. Then I started to think about what Sam said. ‘He’s coming.’ Did he call her? Is he still bothering her? Did she hear from the police in New York?

I felt Niall put his hand on my head and run his fingers through my curly hair. I looked up at him. The worry he held covered his face, even though he tried to mask it. He was scared. I looked around at the other boys. Zayn was still on the floor where he was when we came in, his back to the counter. Liam was standing by the sink, his head in his hands, his elbows on the counter. Louis stood propped up against the refrigerator in a trance, one hand on his face. These boys were terrified, and so was I.

“I’m going to check on Sam.” I stood up, wiped the tears from my eyes, and walked to Sam’s room. The boys sat there quietly in the same position.

I got to Sam’s room and the door was shut, I could hear Sam crying and hiccupping. I knocked on the door.

“Sam? Harry? It’s Ty… can I come in?”

“Yeah, come in,” Harry stated. I swung open the door to see Sam lying in bed next to Harry, wrapped in his arms, hyperventilating. Her blonde hair was stuck to her face. I sat on the bed on the opposite side of her and rubbed her back.

“Sam, what happened?”

“I-I got a call fro-”

“Ty can I talk to you in the hallway for a sec? I’ll only be gone for a minute, Samantha. I’ll be right back.” He kissed her on the forehead and she pulled him in for one last hug before Harry and I walked out of the bedroom and in to the hallway.

“What is going on?”

“Sam got a call from an officer from the NYPD. Ryan is missing. He broke his tracker anklet, he took off. No one knows where he is, but even without knowing that Ryan has been harassing Sam, the police knew he would come for her. They’re sending undercover LA cops to the complex to protect us. They think Ryan is going to come here.”

I didn’t know what to say, but I looked up at Harry and I could tell he was worried. His eyes were red and puffy, he had been crying too. He ran his fingers through his hair and started pacing in the hall. He was able to comfort Sam, but he was just as scared as she was.

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