Chapter 30

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I wake up in a king sized bed with white sheets and I glance at the walls and from the tacky wallpaper I can tell I’m in a shit motel. I must have fallen asleep in Ryan’s car. As I sit up in bed, I notice Ryan laying next to me, staring at me.

“Good morning, Sammy,” his voice is condescending and he smirks, my hair on my arms stands up.

“Ryan, why am I here…” I trail off and I lose it. Tears escape, cascading down my cheek and on to the sheets when Ryan’s hand meets my cheek and it begins to sting.

He slapped me. Hard.

“Shut the fuck up, Sam. No one wants to hear your shit,” he gets up and throws a white t shirt at me. It’s his.

“Put this on. You look hot as fuck in my clothes.”

“Ryan… I, I don’t have any pants,” I look down and I realize I’m wearing a pair of Harry’s plaid boxers and an old high school t shirt.

“Panties are perfect, are you wearing those pink ones I like?” he asks and my mind immediately goes back to Harry and his inappropriate comments about my underwear.

I just so happen to be wearing that pair.


“Samantha! FUCKING ANSWER ME,” he yanks my wrist and pulls me toward him and the quick motion immediately sends a sharp pain in to my ribs and I clutch my side with my free hand.

I look down and let a tear escape, still not answering him.

“SAM. STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH,” he warns me and pulls me closer to him and he squeezes my upper arms and shakes me.

“Yes,” I mumble and he smiles.

“Take those shit boxers off.” I look down, my face turning red and I slowly pull the hem down, standing in the middle of the room.

“Faster!” Ryan yells, tapping his foot and I jump and comply, stepping out of them and leaving them in a messy pile on the floor.

“Fuck, Sam, you’re still so hot,” he smirks and closes the space between us and my knees begin to wobble. He lifts up the hem of my baggy t shirt to reveal the last of the damaged he caused me; a fading bruise on my ribs.

“Nice bruise,” he laughs and I know he knows it’s from him.

“Shut up,” I bark back, finally gaining some confidence.

“Bad idea, Samantha,” he smiles devilishly and pushes me to the ground.

“Shall I continue?” he draws his gun and points it at my head and I shake my head vigorously.

“That’s what I thought. Put my shirt on, and don’t ever talk back again.” He grabs the t shirt off the bed and throws it at me yet again, only this time I’m curled up in the corner on the floor.

“Please don’t kill me,” I barely whisper and begin to cry again.

Ryan turns around and looks at me.

“Not yet,” he smiles and walks to the bathroom.

Now is my chance.

Ryan closes the bathroom door and Bredston is nowhere to be found. I run to the motel room door and twist the knob, yanking and yanking but the door won’t open. I check the number of locks on the door and I finally find the right one, the door clicks open. I set one foot outside on to the concrete when I feel Ryan’s arms grab me and pull me back.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing!?” he throws me to the ground and throws a number of punches at my face. I feel the blood trickling down my face as Ryan grips my hair and slams my head against the wall.

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