Chapter 26

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"Finally," Harry sighed as rolled our suitcases through the lobby of the airport.

"So where are we?" Ty asked, looking around.

"We're in London. We've got car service coming to get us to bring us home, some of us have longer rides than others. But you and Niall are staying here, you've got a plane to catch," Harry winked and Ty's eyes widened.

"Niall what is he talking about?" She turned to Niall and he laughed.

"We're going home, to our families. Mine is in Ireland, which means another plane ride for us both!" He threw his head back in laughter while Ty groaned.

But then I realized that this was going to be the last time I saw Ty for three months.

The last time I saw any of them.

"Sam what the hell am I gonna do without you for three months!?" She exclaimed, reading my mind. Both of us got a bit teary while hugging each other, exchanging goodbyes with our best friends. My five best friends were going to be gone for three months.

But I would be alone with my boyfriend for three months.

Each boy left with their own security guard, Harry and I were lucky enough to get Paul. He's definitely the most laid back out of all the security, probably because he has the best relationship with the boys.

After Harry and Paul forcing me to give Paul my suitcase, Harry put on a large sweatshirt even though it was the dead of August.

"Harry it's like a trillion degrees outside.."

"I need this because of the cameras. Come on," he pulled me in and hid me underneath the side of his jacket to protect me from the flashing lights. We walked outside and were immediately bombarded with questions but were escorted to a big black escalade with a man in a suit at the driver's seat.

"After you," Harry smiled like a goof and opened the door for me while Paul put our luggage in the trunk. I scooted down the back seat and Harry climbed in after me, slamming the door shut.

"That was insane," I stated, brushing the hair out of my face.

"It's cause you're so famous," Harry teased and I laughed.

"Oh but of course," I remarked back and he whipped out his phone.

"Really though, look," he held is phone out to me and twitter was open:

Worldwide Trends:






Sam Zenna

Ty Curtis



"Wow," I was speechless. My name was a worldwide trend.

"The fans don't really know you yet, but they're going to love you as much as I do," he smiled and pecked my nose. We pulled away from the front of the airport and soon enough we were off.

“Did you remember gauze, tape and rubbing alcohol for your shoulder?” I asked, remembering his injury.

“Yes, mother,” he tells me and I scoff.

“How long are we gonna be in the car for?” I ask and Harry smirks.

“A few hours…” he laughs and I groan. This was going to be a long day.

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