Chapter 17

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“This is what happens, this is what happens when you’re a fucking cunt.” Everyone turned around and was absolutely floored by Ryan’s presence. By now Harry was ready, he was sitting at the table with Sam and Bredston, and the rest of the boys were in the living room.

“What the hell are you doing!? Officer do something!” Ty was screaming across the table at Bredston who didn’t seem all that surprised.

“Fine. I will.” He took out his gun and stuck it to Harry’s temple. “Everyone else, get the hell out. Go to your rooms. Harry stays. Don’t you dare come out of there or I will shoot you.”

Everyone got up and backed away, but Ty didn’t move. She stood in the kitchen, her mouth wide open. Niall was dragging her away, she was screaming and crying. Ryan and Bredston yelled at Niall to make her shut up, so he scooped her up over his shoulder and ran off to Liam’s bedroom, where everyone else was.

“Who the hell are you!?” Harry was mad, Ryan was laughing. I was still in a towel. Bredston was not here to protect me.

“I’m on the force alright, but Ryan’s paying me for this one. Big bucks, big bucks,” Bredston was laughing now. He kept the gun against Harry’s head and I began to cry.

“Shut the fuck up Sam, you knew this was coming, you knew you were going to die. You knew it. Stop whining like a baby. The only difference now, is that darling Harry gets to watch.”

“You leave her the hell alone!” Bredston grabbed the back of Harry’s shirt and rammed the gun in to his skull.

“Do you not get it? I will kill you. Shut your mouth. On the couch. Now.” He walked Harry to the couch in the living room and sat him down on it, the gun still to his head. I could see the panic in Harry’s eyes, he was trapped.

“Sam, it’s been so long since I’ve touched you… I think you should remind me what it’s like,” he slid his hand down my side which, mind you, is covered by a very short towel.

“Ryan, please don-”

“Sam, shut the fuck up.” He slid his hand up my thigh, up the hem of the towel. His other hand had the gun still pressed to my head. I was pinned against the living room wall. I literally had nowhere to go.

“I miss you baby, I miss all the fun we had, especially in bed. Do you remember it? I think we should show Harry how it’s done,” before Ryan’s hand could go any further towards me, Harry chimed in.

“She’s already showed me, she means more to me than she ever meant to you, leave her the hell alone.”

I could see the pain in Harry’s eyes. Bredston yanked a fistful of his hair back and held the gun even tighter to him.

“You fucking watch what he does, you know you’ll love it.”

“Yeah, c’mon Harry, let me show you how I fuck Sam. She comes completely undone with my touch, isn’t that right Sam?” his hot breath was on my neck as his hand went further up to try to touch me.

I didn’t know what to do.

So I kneed him in the crotch.

And I missed.

It’s because I’m nervous.

But I missed.


“That’s how you wanna play? That’s how you wanna play you little brat!? Fine, I’ll play your game! You didn’t even hurt me! You fucking missed!” He laughed and smacked me in the face with his gun. The pain was indescribable. With one swift blow he had me knocked to the floor.

“You always find a way to make me mad, don’t you Sam? Always have to open you’re big stupid fucking mouth!” I rolled over to face Harry while Ryan kicked me in my ribs repeatedly, the same way he did months ago.

“Don’t talk to my girl like that!” Harry wiggled to break free from Bredston’s grip, but Bredston was just too strong for him. He put his head down and I could see tears falling on to the floor. Bredston yanked his head up and hit Harry in the side of the head with his gun.


That was when I lost it. I lay on the floor in pain; yet again Ryan was abusing me. That didn’t matter to me right now. What mattered was the fact that Harry was in pain. Harry had a gun to his head. The only people I had left were hiding in terror in Liam’s room. Ty was scared no doubt. I knew he was going to come. I knew there wouldn’t be a way to stop him.

Ryan lifted his foot and put it against my temple, smashing my head in to the ground.

“LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE I LOVE HER,” Harry threw Bredston off him and came running to me when Ryan fired his gun, and Harry fell short.

He never made it to me.

He made it to a pool of his own blood.

“Harry!” I remember screaming for him, I remember watching his eyes close. I remember Ryan throwing continuous punches at me, saying that ‘shooting me would be no fun.’ I remember footsteps, seeing Ty’s red hair whip in to the living room, and watching her fall to the floor from a bullet fired by Bredston’s gun.

I think I remember Niall crying on the floor and the rest of the boys coming out.

But other than that, I don’t remember anything at all.










LOOK AT THAT TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE NIGHT. I couldn't leave you guys hanging like I did in 16. Whether I have millions of reads or not, I know there's a few out there that genuinely enjoy this story.

And that's all I could ask for.


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