Chapter 11

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I ran out of the apartment, down the hall to the elevator. There was a little old woman carrying her groceries, staring at me while I bolted down the corridor. I didn’t care what I looked like. Ty said Sam needed me.

In a few minutes that seemed like an eternity, I reached Ty and Sam’s, pounding on the door, and Ty answered. Tears were streaming down her face, her eyes were red. I could see past her to Sam, her head down on the kitchen table, sobbing. Oh no.

“What the fuck did you do Harry!? Do you know what you’ve done!?”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“Don’t fucking bullshit me Harry! You called Ryan! Why!? What the hell were you thinking!?”

“He wouldn’t leave Sam alone! I had to protect her… She wouldn’t let me tell the police I-”

“Sam! He’s been contacting you all this time!?” Ty was screaming at Sam now. She was so afraid. Sam didn’t answer. She kept her head down and sobbed.

“Harry… Your call… it gave us away. The caller ID. The location… he knows where we are.” Ty started crying again.

How could I have been so stupid? I didn’t even think to block my number. I was so mad that he wouldn’t leave Sam alone. My Sam. I flashed back to this morning’s conversation with Ryan:

“Leave her alone! She doesn’t want you!”

”And why would that be?”

“YOU ALMOST KILLED HER. I’m here for her now. To protect her. You aren’t getting anywhere near her.”

“I don’t think so, Harry. I believe I know people… officers here from the NYPD have already turned up dead. You wouldn’t want the same for you… or… little Samantha, would you?”

“I swear to God if you lay a finger on her-”

“News flash: I already have. And I will continue to. Remember Harry, I used to hug her and touch her and kiss her and sleep next to her. I was first, that’s something you’ll never be. I also had the privilege of using Samantha when I was… on the angrier side. I’m sure you’ve seen her scars,” he was cackling.

“Ryan I swear to fucking God if you come near her I will kill you.”

“Feisty.  I’m sure Sam likes that. I’m sure you got my number from her, too. She’s a character, that Samantha. She’s also amazing in bed, although I’m sure that little slut has demonstrated that to you by now.”


He laughed and hung up.

The thought of Ryan talking like that about Sam made my blood boil. He talked about her like she was a thing, not a person. He called her a slut. He did it to get under my skin. I know that’s why. But I couldn’t help but let him.

I eventually snapped back to reality and made eye contact with the extremely frightened blue eyes of Ty.

“I’m so sorry.” I put my head down and hid my face in my hands. How could I do this? To Ty… to Sam. I’ve ruined it all.

“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to. Look at her, she’s a mess. Harry he’s going to come here, and he’s going to kill her. Just the way he wanted to two months ago. He wants her dead. I’ve met Ryan before. He isn’t going to give up,” Ty walked further in to the kitchen and I followed.

“Look, I don’t know what the hell is going on between you two, but Sam Zenna has been my best friend since kindergarten. I would do anything to protect her, and now there is nothing I can do. I can’t lose my best friend Harry, not to some alcoholic psychopath.” Ty’s voice cracked and she broke down again. What the hell have I done?

I hugged Ty and walked to the kitchen table and placed my hand on Sam’s back. She picked her head up from the table and looked at me with puffy eyes.

“Why did you do this? Why did you call him!?” She began to sob again, but before she could put her head back down, I cupped her face in my hands and knelt down to be eye level with her.

“Sam, baby I’m so so so sorry, I just wanted to protect you. Please, let me make this right. I’m so sorry Samantha. I would never do anything to hurt you,” I hugged her tightly, and now I was crying too. I can’t believe what I’ve done.

Sam continued to cry in my arms when Ty’s voice caught my attention.

“What are we gonna do? He can walk right in here and ask for her. They’ll tell him the apartment number. They don’t care here,” Ty was horrified.

“We’ll stay at Liam’s. Liam keeps his place clean, unlike the rest of the boys. If Ryan comes, he’s going to ask for you, Sam, or me. We can’t stay here, and we can’t stay at my place. It’s not safe. I’ll call Liam.” Ty nodded and Sam put her head down on the table. She was still crying. My phone rang too many times until Liam finally picked up.


“Liam it’s me.”

“Oh hey Harry, Lou was about to call you. We need to be at the studio by 5, there’s some sort of weird meeting going on.”

“Liam we aren’t going. None of us. Listen to me. Sam is in danger. Ryan knows where she is. He’s going to come here, and he’s going to try to kill her. She can’t stay at my place, and she can’t stay where she is. Can we stay with you? I know it’s a lot to ask but if we can’t find a place for her to be, she’s going to die.”

”Oh my God. Of course, you all can stay here. I think it’s best if we all stay together. I’m going to have the lads stay here as well. I’ll call the boys at the studio and tell them we need to lay low for a few days. If you need anything, I’m here.”

“Thank you so much Liam. It means the world to me.”

”I don’t know Sam very well, but I can tell you care about her. I’m not about to let my best mate’s girl get killed, am I?”

“Liam you’re a life saver… literally.”

“Let me know when you’re on your way, okay?”

“Of course. Thank you so much Liam.”

“No problem. Bye.”


“Girls, we’re staying at Liam’s. Let’s pack up your stuff, I’ll get mine later on. The boys are all staying at Liam’s too, they don’t want to leave us alone.”

“So wait is Niall going to be there?” Ty’s question almost made me laugh. She was so concerned with Niall. Ty and Niall. Tiall. Hah. Like kitchen tile. We used to call Niall that, kitchen tile.

“Yes, Niall will be there.”

“Shit shit shit he can’t see me like this I’m a wreck-”

“Ty he’s a pretty understanding guy, you hang out all the time, you’ve been seeing each other for like three weeks now. Calm yourself.”

Ty nodded and I looked over to Sam again. She wasn’t moving. She wasn’t crying anymore.

“Sam? Samantha?” I shook her shoulder and she picked her head up.

“We’re going to stay at Liam’s. It’s safe there. Ty is going to pack up her things and I’m going to help you with yours, okay?”

“Sure.” Sam got up and walked to her bedroom, I followed.

“Samantha… I’m sorry about this… I’m so sorry. I won’t mess up again. I’ll make sure you’re safe.” She looked up at me, her eyes were red and puffy, her skin was stained with tears. My eyes watered, and Sam reached up to tuck a curl behind my ear.

“You only did it because you care. Thank you.” She hugged me.

“Sam I put you in danger… I’m so sorry.”

“He would’ve found me anyway. It doesn’t matter.” She huffed.

 We packed up the rest of Sam’s stuff in silence and took it to Liam’s.

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