Chapter 31

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Three weeks.

Three weeks without seeing my best friend.

Three weeks I left her in the arms of her boyfriend and security guards, safe. Safe, in his childhood home.

I may never see her again.

I sat next to Niall in the back seat of Rich’s range rover and stared out the window. We were on our way to his flat, and then to Harry’s. Everyone seems to feel so terrible for Harry because he lost his girlfriend, but to be honest, I feel like no one sees that I’ve lost someone I love, too. I’ve lost my best friend for fourteen years, and I might never get her back.

“They’re going to find her,” Niall states and I turn to meet his gaze. His eyes are red and he has bags under his eyes, I could see how tired he was.

I say nothing and turn back to the window when we pull up to the ‘flat’ complex to be met by screaming fans and paparazzi.

“Great,” Niall huffs and slams his fist in to the side of the door. He pops the door open and walks around with Rich to meet me, and we manage to make our way through the doors and to the elevator. It didn’t stop me from hearing the questions from the paparazzi.

“Ty are you pregnant?”

“Ty is Sam dead?”

“Niall where is Harry?”

“Niall are you an alcoholic?”

“Ty, where is Sam?”

I can’t seem to take much more and I step in to the elevator and place myself in the far corner, away from Rich and Niall. He walks over to me and grasps my hand, but I pull away and I know he is confused.


“I just can’t,” I reply and stare at my dirty gray converse.


When I wake up I realize that I’m still curled up in the corner surrounded in blood.

I can feel the pain all over my body and I know that this might be one of the worst beatings I’ve ever gotten from Ryan. I’m dizzy and I know I’ve lost a lot of blood but I reach my hand to my hair and I can feel the warm, wet, blood matted in my blonde hair.

“Nice to see you awake,” Ryan walks over to me in the corner and I see Bredston sitting in a chair with his gun in his hand, rolling bullets on the coffee table.

“I want to go home,” I let the words escape from my lips and they’re barely a whisper but my voice cracks and I begin to cry. Again.

“What did you say?” Ryan asks, I’m sure he didn’t hear me but I know that he heard something.

“Nothing,” I tell him and he clenches his jaw.

“Tell me, Samantha.” I look up at him, frightened and he walks over and slaps me across the face.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY!? ANSWER ME!” He screams in my face and I jump.

“I want to go home,” I state and his hands ball in to fists.

“You aren’t going back home! You’re dying here, in this country, in this very room,” his face inches closer to me and he spits in my face.

“The only home you have is in New York in my home where you fucking belonged all along.”

All I can think in this moment is Home by Gabrielle Aplin.

Home with Harry.

Home with Ty.

Home where I can be safe.

Home before Mom left.

Home before Dad died.

Home before I lost everything.

“I want to go home,” I state again and he grows angrier.

“YOU AREN’T GOING FUCKING HOME SAMANTHA.” I begin to cry again but all he does is laughs.

“Harry doesn’t fucking want you anymore anyway, you’re too fucked up,” Bredston laughs at Ryan’s comment and the two exchange laughs but I sit in the corner in my own blood.

I know Harry misses me and I miss him too but I can’t help but let Ryan’s comment get to me. Would he really not want me anymore?

I try my best to shake the thoughts from my head when Ryan’s voice catches my attention.

“I think it’s time,” he smiles at Bredston and then at me.

“Come here, Samantha,” he curls his finger at me and I do my best to walk over but I’m dizzy and have a horrible headache from the beatings and the crying and the lack of sleep.

“Faster!” Ryan barks at me and yanks my wrist.

“How do you feel, Samantha, tell me how you feel,” his hot breath trails down my neck and his hand strokes my body and I shiver.

“Stop,” I tell him firmly.

“You love it,” he whispers in my ear.

“Stop it, Ryan!” I put my hands on his chest and try to push him away from me but he whips out his pocket knife and lodges the blade deep in my shoulder between my collar bone and shoulder blade and I collapse on the floor.






The six of us plus Mum and Robin sit on the couches in the sitting room with Glaz, Smith, and a few other officers. They told us they had some exciting news to reveal, news I didn’t know about until the boys and Ty got here.

“What is it?” Niall asks impatiently, tapping his foot on the hardwood floor. Ty is sitting next to Niall but she seems distant from him and I know she is worried about Sam. Finally, Glaz opens his mouth.

“We think we know where they are,” Mum gasps and hugs Robin and I can feel myself falling apart. It’s going to be okay, I think to myself. I’m going to get her back.

“The number Ryan called Harry’s phone on, we were able to trace the location of the cell tower. We think they’re staying at the motel, that crap thing down the road.”

“So she’s been this close the whole time?” I clench my teeth and my hands ball in to fists and Louis places his hand on my shoulder.

“We’ve contacted the authorities here in England and they’re willing to help us out and supply us with a SWAT team to go in,” Smith continues and my heart leaps.

“When?” my voice is urgent and I can almost see a smile playing out on Mum’s face because of it.

“Two hours,” a man with a grey moustache adds. Ty breaks down in to tears and I put my face in my hands. Finally, I get my Sam back.

“We haven’t heard from Ryan or Bredston in three weeks, there is a multitude of possibilities, one being that they are no longer there, another that they were never there, and the third that Miss Zenna is no longer alive,” Glaz concludes and I shudder.

“Don’t. Say. That.” I tell him through clenched teeth.

“So do we get to come when you guys go to the motel?” Zayn asks.

“Yes, we actually would prefer you did. If she’s there and alive the first thing she’s going to want to do is see you guys,” Smith says and my heart is racing. I’m going to see my Sam again. Finally.








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