Chapter 8

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Harry's stomping-slamming-leaving number woke Ty up. She kept asking me what was going on, but I couldn't tell her. Especially not about the kiss.  Last night and this morning with Harry was a mistake. I can't get involved with Harry like that. I can't get involved with anyone like that. I'm not ready, the last thing I want is to hurt Harry.

But maybe I already did? Waking up next to Harry felt right. As cliche as it sounds, it felt right. But I couldn't drag Harry in to my shit. 

But then my mind drifted to another thing: why didn't Durschtin call me to tell me Ryan was getting out? He called when his sentence began. Why didn't he call to tell me? Why did the media know before I did? I picked up my phone and dialed Durschtin's number.


"Hi it's Sam. Officer Durschtin?"

"I'm sorry to inform you that Officer Durschtin has passed. He was murdered last week. We are investigating his death."

"Oh. Okay. Thank you." I hung up in shock. Durschtin was dead? Murdered? It couldn't have been Ryan. He hasn't been released yet. I shook the thought from my mind  and sat down on a stool by the counter when my phone rang again.


"Hey baby." I knew that voice. I could see his piercing blue eyes in my mind as he spoke. Ryan.

"How are you feeling? I'm sure you miss me," I could hear the sarcasm in his voice through the phone.

"Darling I can hear you breathing. I know you're there. I get out real soon, I've been such a good little inmate. I think I might come visit you when I get out." No. No. No. This is not happening.

"Ryan what do you want from me?" I was crying now. I'm trying to fix myself, and here he is. He's back again.

"I just think we need to finish our business... You know, what we started?" He sounds so innocent on the phone. I know there are guards watching him.

"Ryan please stop."

"Babe, I miss you too. As soon as I get out I'll come see you. I love you."  The line went dead. You can't be serious right now.


I wanted to know so badly what happened last night and this morning. Why Harry was mad, why Sam wouldn't talk about it. I needed to know. Being the nosey little booger I am, I called Niall. Oh yeah. Niall. He's so hot, when we hung out last night we exchanged numbers and I wanted to cry. He's perfect. Maybe he knows what happened.


"Hey Niall it's Ty."

"Oh, hi Ty, whatsup?"

"I know this is kinda weird but I'm calling about Sam and Harry. What happened last night? Sam won't talk about it and Harry left really mad."



"Hey Ty, Niall gave me the phone. It's Louis. I called Harry this morning to tell him that we needed to be at the studio soon and he was pretty mad. He said he wasn't coming. That's not really like him, but other than that he didn't tell me anything about what happened. But I think he's mad at me too. Sam's the first girl we've met of Harry's so soon. I told him flat out that he loves her, I know he knows I'm right he just won't admit it."

"Jesus. They need to talk, we should make them," I laughed, half joking.

"That's actually a good idea. I'll tell Harry that Sam wants to talk to him and he should go over there. You tell Sam Harry's coming over because he wants to talk to her. Then they have to talk."

"Sounds good! Eight is ok?"

"Yup! Talk to ya then!" 

"Bye." Sam is going to kill me but really I don't care. She's so stubborn, we all know she cares about Harry, I don't know why she won't just let herself. 

"Sam?" I walked in to the kitchen and Sam looked worried. I'm sure it's about Harry.


"Well... Harry called me. He said he knew you wouldn't answer him. He really wants to talk to you. He's coming over later, he said around eight. I think you should talk to him."

"Ugh. Fine."

That's my girl.

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