Chapter 32

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I sat in the back of a police car with Zayn before finally pulling up to a shit motel. If this is where Sam is, I’m going to flip shit. She doesn’t deserve any of this, especially staying in some fucking gross motel.

I waited for Glaz and Smith to walk around and open the doors for us before sprinting to through the doors and to the main desk where some sleazball sat behind the counter with a beard ten fucking feet long.

“Harry, let us handle this,” Smith steps in front of me and two SWAT team members stand beside me.

“Tell me where she is!” I scream and a few officers hold me back before Smith flashes his badge to the guy at the desk.

“Gregory Smith, FBI. We’re looking for a Mr. Ryan Cartoff and a Mr. Daniel Bredston. Are they here?”

“I don’t think I’m allowed to give that away,” the guy states and puts his feet up on the desk.

“You fucking tell us where she is!” I scream and the officers hold me back again and Glaz negotiates with this scumball.

“We got it,” Glaz smiles and I almost collapse on the floor.

Ty is crying and Niall is holding her and the boys all have such relief in their faces.

“Room 3347, let’s go.” The six of us plus Glaz and Smith and some seventy five SWAT members with machine guns walk us to the room and Smith pounds on the door.


The feeling of the knife in to my collar bone is something I’ve never felt before. I collapse on to the floor and I can feel the warm blood trickling down my body. Ryan doesn’t stop. He dives down on the floor next to me and sticks the knife in to my ribcage and I can tell that it’s punctured my lung because I’m coughing blood up everywhere and I can’t seem to breathe.

“This is what you fucking get Samantha,” he growls and slices the front of my chest open, through his t shirt I was wearing and my bra. I’m fading fast and I know it as I hear a pounding on the door. It’s so loud and my head is spinning and I can’t see straight. I hear a familiar voice screaming. Smith.

“Ryan Cartoff, Dan Bredston! Greg Smith and Ben Glaz, FBI! DO NOT LEAVE THE PREMISE. Open the door before I kick it down!” Bredston and Ryan mumble some curses before the door falls down and a SWAT team pours in, guns drawn and Ryan and Bredston put their hands up before I see someone I know so well run over to me. Harry.


I run over to Samantha who I see laying in the middle of the floor, covered in blood. This can’t be real.

“Sam, Sam baby,” I scoop her up in my arms and I hold her tightly against my chest before I realize just how bad her injuries are. She’s wheezing and coughing up blood and pretty soon my white t shirt is a dark reddish-brown. Her shirt is ripped open and her skin is flapping all over the place and I know that if I don’t get her help soon she’s going to die.

“Harry,” she whispers and I can see her eyelids growing heavy and she’s covered in blood.

“Sam, Sam don’t leave me please baby I’m here you’re safe now,” I rush my words out of my mouth but she doesn’t answer.

“Samantha don’t leave me please,” I start crying and my tears fall on to her face and her chest and I hold her in my arms and she’s sticky from the amount of blood but I don’t care.

“Where is she!? Where the fuck is she!?” Ty is screaming and trying to get in the room but it isn’t safe and I know even I’m not supposed to be here as they handcuff Bredston and Cartoff and search the room.

“Harry she needs medical attention, we need to get her help you need to leave,” Glaz states to me but I ignore him.

Dammit Samantha.

I press my forehead to hers and I kiss her lips even though I know she won’t react.

I put my ear against her bloody chest to listen to her slow, fading heartbeat and I manage to whisper between sobs.

“Lights will guide you home,

And ignite your bones,

And I will try,

To fix you.”

And the next thing I know I’m laying on the floor in Samantha’s blood without her as she’s loaded in to an ambulance and rushed off.







Short short I know but I think I’m going to update again tonight wooooohooooo. ily all Fix You is  coming to a close xoxo

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