Chapter 4

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"I told you I would finish what I started! You aren't getting away from me this time!" Ryan cackled. I slid myself across the kitchen floor in an attempt to get away from him, although unsuccessful. I looked up, expecting to see his piercing blue eyes, but I was met by green ones instead. Ryan's hair was curly and dark brown. This wasn't Ryan, this was Harry. 

"Harry? Why are you doing this?" I screamed. 

"You will never escape Ryan. I'm finishing what he started!" Harry slammed me in to the kitchen counter, my back to him when he grabbed a fistful of my hair and slammed me against the countertop. As the screeching of the metal blade sounded, Harry laughed.

"Sam! Sam!" Ty was screaming. I woke up, covered in sweat and goose bumps, sobbing. It was a dream. It was only a dream. Harry would never hurt me. It was a dream. "Sam, did you have a bad dream? I heard you screaming and crying. Was it Ryan? Are you okay?" Ty sat down on my bed and hugged me. All I could do was cry. I couldn't communicate what happened, I couldn't even think straight. I just sat in Ty's arms and cried.  As I calmed down a bit, Ty left my room and went to hers, grabbing a pillow and blankets to come camp out on the floor next to me.

"Ty, you don't have to do this..." 

"Sam. My best friend just experienced a traumatic event and is having nightmares. I'm not going anywhere."

"Thank you."

"It's nothing, love ya." We both smiled and laid down, drifting off to sleep.


I woke up to the smell of coffee and my phone buzzing. I groggily grabbed the device off my nightstand and looked at the screen.


Morning, beautiful. How are you feeling? I've been worried about you. I'm sorry about whatever happened. I'm here for you if you need me. xxxx

Harry's text actually made me smile. I was surprised that he cared enough to send me that. I opened up a reply message. 

Me: I'm sorry about last night. I just had a bit going on. Thank you :-)

Harry: I'm here for you if you need me. I was also thinking maybe today we could do a bit of a redo? Xxxx

Me:  What did you have in mind?

Harry: Well I thought maybe you would want to come to the studio with me today. Meet the rest of the boys and a few members of the 1D family. 

I completely ruined last night. I owe it to Harry to go with him.

Me: Sounds great :)

Harry:  Great. The boys are taking the escalade, Paul's driving. I will come get you in my car around 12:00? Xxx

Me: Okay, I'll be ready :)

I didn't want to go with Harry. I didn't want another date. But I had to, I ruined last night. And let's get real here, it's not like I have anything else going on. Harry and I's conversation made me think of my dream last night. I don't know why my mind did that, made Harry like Ryan. I tried to shake the thought from my mind as I walked to the kitchen to meet Ty pouring coffee. 

"Hey homie, howya doin? How do you feel?"

"I'm okay. Thank you for staying with me last night."

"Anytime, babe. I'm always here for ya."  I grabbed a coffee mug that Ty filled for me and took a sip. I told her about my plans with Harry today. She squealed and teased me about the texts and the plans, and the very fact that this was a celebrity. After finishing my coffee I went to my room to shower and get ready. I straightened my hair, like I always do, and applied my usual makeup: bb cream, mascara and a little bit of champagne eyeshadow. I decided on high waisted denim shorts, a pink tank top and white converse. This is the way I usually look, not with crazy eyelashes or curled hair like Ty had me last night. Just Sam, that's it. I grabbed a $20 and was about to sit on the couch with my potato chips when there was a knock at the door. I got up to answer the door, letting Harry in.

"Hi, how are you?"

"I'm ok, better than last night." 

"Good. I... I was worried about you," Harry admitted sheepishly. 

"Oh. I'm fine now, thank you." I smiled at him.  We walked down the hall to the elevator when Harry dropped his sunglasses. He bent down to pick them up when I kicked him right in the ass and he fell face first on the carpet. We both started laughing as I ran to the elevator and pushed the lobby button. Before Harry could meet me in the elevator the doors closed and I waved, "Bubye Styles." I'm not quite sure what I've started, but it's on. 

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