Chapter 24

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“How did it go?” Ty asked as the boys filed in to our apartment.

“Bad.” Niall replied and sat down at the kitchen table. Ty walked over to him and put her hand on his back while he hid his face in his arms on the table.

I walked over to Harry who was the last person to walk in the door. He smiled at me and hugged me, with both arms.

“Harry, where’s your sling?”

“I told you, I’m not wearing it.” I had to admit, it was nice to finally see Harry out of the sling. It made me feel like he was healthy again, like things were going back to normal. But Harry hadn’t been cleared by the doctor yet, his shoulder is still damaged. He needs to wear it.

“Harry you aren’t healed yet-”

“Shh. Samantha. I’m fine.” He smiled at me, and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“How was it? Really?” I asked him as he tucked a strand of hair falling out of my bun behind me ear.

“Hard. They asked a bit about you, Sam.”

“What did you tell them?”

“The truth. But not too much of it. I told them, this is about One Direction, not Sam.” Harry’s words made me smile. The way he dealt with things, it made me proud of him.

“How was… how was it for Niall?” I looked behind me at Niall who was in tears at the kitchen table, surrounded by Ty and the rest of the boys.

“It was… hard.. for him, you know?” he was whispering now, “they knew everything. About Ty, the baby, the fake ID, the alcohol… they knew everything.” I immediately began to feel bad for Niall. I thought I had things tough, but what Niall was going through, I don’t think I could do it.

“We also need to talk about next week…”

“Maybe we should go in the other room to talk about this…” Harry grabbed my hand and helped me to our room before continuing our conversation.

“We’re leaving on Thursday. I need you to come with me.” His green eyes poured directly in to my blue ones.

“Harry, I-I want to it’s just I can’t leave Ty and the apartment and everything and the LAPD and-”

“Sam. Ty would go with Niall to Mullingar. You have your phone, the police will call you if they need you.” I looked down and fiddled with a thread coming out of the comforter on our bed.

“How long is this trip?”

“Three months…”

“What!? Harry I can’t just abandon everything for three months I-”

“You aren’t abandoning everything. You’re going to be with me. You can meet my mum and my sister and my stepdad, we can all spend Christmas together… This is what I want, for us. I want you to have a good time, I know you can’t forget about your responsibilities here with the FBI and LAPD but Sam, we haven’t heard from them since you’ve been out of the hospital. They have your number. I think that England could be a good outlet for you. For us.” I reestablished our eye contact and I could tell he meant what he said. Harry wanted me to go with him. He needed me to go with him. After a long pause, I finally spoke.

“What time is the flight?” I smiled and he laughed.

“I love you so much,” he hugged me and kissed my forehead.


“Niall, what happened at the press conference?” Ty rubbed my back and I finally picked my head up to talk to her.

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