Chapter 28

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Two weeks since Ryan called. Two weeks of pure agony. Two weeks of Harry breaking things and denting walls, two weeks of me sobbing. Two weeks of Anne and Robin fearing for their lives before I finally got a phone call.


“Hey, Sam, it’s Smith from the FBI.”

“Oh.. hello,” I choked back my tears.

“We have new information on Ryan and Bredston’s whereabouts. It’s good news.”

“Oh good,” I sigh in relief and place my hand on my chest.

“The payphone they used to call you was traced back to a gas station in La Mesa. That’s south of LA, we think they’re in Mexico.”

“Why Mexico?” I ask, confused.

“Well once you’re in Mexico and away from US officials it’s harder for us to get you back, and Mexico isn’t too far from LA, so.”

“Oh, I see.”

“But the good news is we’re notifying the border patrol and we’re sending more cops down there to catch them. We’re pretty confident he will be in custody in the next few months, since we suspect he’s already crossed the border. We will find him, Sam, you’re safe now.”

“Thank you so much,” I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

“Anytime,” Smith tells me and hangs up.

Harry is sitting next to me with wide eyes on the couch, eager to know what has happened.

“Well?” Harry asks, impatiently.

“They think they’re gonna get him,” I smiled and he jumped up and hollered. I have to admit, knowing that they were confident that they would arrest them was very relieving.

“Muuuum! Muuuum!” Harry left the living room screaming.

“What is it Harry!?” she shouted from upstairs.

“They think they’re gonna get them! Ryan and Bredston!”

“Oh my Lord!” she exclaims and runs down the stairs, tears in her eyes. Anne wraps her arms around her son and comes running toward me.

“Thank God,” she murmurs in to my shoulder and she hugs me and cries.

Anne unravels herself from me and Harry and I finally have our chance to celebrate.

“This is it babe!” he cups my face in his hands and squeals like a little girl and I laugh, tears rolling down both of our cheeks.

“I know, I know,” I laugh and we both smile before Harry’s lips meet mine.

I pull out my phone and shoot a text to Ty so she knows what’s going on.

“Robin! Robin!” Anne runs out of the room and in to the kitchen with her hands in the air, “Robin we’re saved!” Harry and I look at each other and giggle at her silliness before Harry scoops me up in to his arms and runs up the stairs to our bedroom.


I’m so excited and I don’t even know what to do with myself and I scoop Sam up in my arms and it surprisingly doesn’t hurt my shoulder as much as I think it will. I run up the stairs with my arms around her waist and her legs around my back, the both of us laughing the whole time. I kick my door open and then kick it back shut, throwing Sam down on the bed. She doesn’t wince or complain with her ribs or bruises and I’m glad because I honestly am so happy right now I just need to fuck her.

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