Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of the beeping heart monitor in a white room. I knew where I was. I lifted my head, now feeling extremely heavy, and looked around to see the long curly red hair and worried blue eyes I knew so well. Ty.

"Ty..? What, what are you doing here?" Ty was my best friend. We met in kindergarten, she bit me because I wouldn't share my 94- pack crayons with her. We graduated high school together last year, and then she moved to LA, while I stayed here with Ryan. I've missed her so much.

"They pulled up your information, and I was the first person they called. They saw that you didn't have any living relatives, so they called me. I'm so so so sorry Sam. How are you feeling?" They called Ty. My best friend. They called my best friend and made her fly from LA to New York because I didn't have anyone else. Because mom was gone and so was dad. For the first time, I have realized how alone I was.

"I'm okay... Hungry I guess." Ty sprang up and ran to the nurses' station.

"THE PATIENT IN 309 IS HUNGRY GO GET HER FOOD NOW." She practically demanded from the nurses. I don't really know what happened from there, I could only hear Ty's demands from down the hall. Before Ty could return, a tall man in a police uniform walked in to my room.

"Hello, Samantha Zenna. My name is Officer Durschtin. How are you feeling?" "I'm okay, happy to be alive I guess." I smiled weakly at him.

"If you don't mind, I need to ask you a few questions about Ryan Cartoff. We currently have him in custody, but before we can charge him with anything, we must collect evidence. How long have you been in a relationship with Mr. Cartoff?"

"About a year."

"When did you move in with him?"

"Five months ago."

"Is this the first time he has been violent towards you?"

"No. It's just never been this bad."

"Yes, I see. Now where you two in a fight when the incident occurred? What was it about?"

"He came home drunk again. I told him he needed to clean up his act. He got mad, and tried to kill me," I said in a very monotone voice. It was true. Ryan came home drunk a lot. He was 22, I was 18. I'm not old enough to go out to clubs and bars, so he went with his friends. He always came back drunk and angry. I always challenged him when he was like that. That's what lead to our fights. Maybe it was my fault. Maybe it was Ryan's. Maybe it was the alcohol. Officer Durschtin continued to ask me questions when Ty came back with the nurse and my food. While the nurse checked my vitals, Durschtin finished his last few questions and gave me his card.

"I have your number on file. If we need to ask you anything, or you need us for something, we will arrange a conference call. You've been through enough, I don't want to make you sit in a police department for questioning." He flashed a smile at me, I could see the sympathy on his face.  He exited the room when I built up the courage to ask the nurse about my condition. 

"I know this is a weird question, but what exactly happened to me?"

"Well, you have 65 stitches in your left arm. Your nose is broken, but healing nicely. You have a few cracked ribs and serious bruising on your arms, face and stomach. You also lost a lot of blood, so you needed a blood transfusion. Oh, you also have some bruising on your skull. At first we thought it may have been fractured, but it's just bruised. You've been out for quite a while, Miss Zenna. Two weeks," the nurse smiled kindly at me. I could see her sympathy as well.

"But the good news is you're okay. I  went back to your house with the investigators. After they got their evidence and cleaned up I got all your stuff. Your clothes, makeup, toothbrush, everything. I thought maybe, since your Ryan paid for the house... You can come live with me in LA!" I could hear Ty's excitement in her voice.

"What!? Ty that's crazy I can't-"

"Sam. The only thing keeping you here since we've graduated is Ryan. And now, you're free. Come live with me, please?" Ty stuck her bottom lip out and gave me puppy eyes.

"Ty.... I would love to move to LA with you." Why not? I have no where to go, I probably would have wound up with her anyway.


"Well, Miss Zenna, now that you're awake and you're vitals are in check, we can begin the discharge process. It will take about 24 hours, since you're in ICU. But the good news is, you're going to go home!" The nurse smiled at me. After signing a few release forms and pulling myself together, the doctor walked in. He talked to me about my injuries and how critical rest is for me, he left to process my papers. By the next day, I was on a plane with Ty to LA.    

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