Chapter 12

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We walked down the hall to Liam’s apartment, Ty walking next to me and Harry helping me with my bags close behind.

I can’t believe this is happening.

Not now.

I’ve now endangered Ty, Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn with my own problems. I thought back to that night months ago with Ryan. How scared I was. How the cold metal would have felt on my neck. I pictured Ryan’s piercing blue eyes. I could smell his breath and clothes, reeking of whiskey.

Before I knew it, everything flashed before me. Every moment with Ryan. Bringing him to football games my senior year, when he first met Ty, when he first met Mom and Dad who I missed so much, our first kiss, our first time, when he took me in to live with him after Dad died, everything. I remember everything. I remember every quality. I remember thinking how much he loved me, how much he cared.

Look at us now. Now he wants to kill me.

I choked back every emotion I felt as we neared Liam’s apartment. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I now realize, I gave everything to Ryan. Now I have nothing.

Harry told us to stop at the door in front of us, which I assumed to be Liam’s. Harry knocked on the door and Liam answered.

“Hey, the boys are here.”

“Okay.” Harry answered.

“Come in.” Ty walked in first, then me, then Harry. Liam’s was even bigger than Ty’s, which I didn’t think was possible. Liam had vaulted ceilings, flat screen tvs, fire places, Jacuzzis. The whole nine yards. It was beautiful.

“Liam, where is your bathroom?”

“Straight down that hall to the left.”

“Thank you.” I walked right past the boys who were sat on the couch watching a movie, I pretended they didn’t exist. I didn’t even say hello. I just needed to be alone right now.

Finally I reached the bathroom and locked the door. The bathroom was beautiful as well, but I wasn’t in the mood to take in the décor.

I closed the toilet seat and sat down, when the tears finally escaped me. Once they started, they didn’t stop. I played every moment back in my mind, over and over, and came to the conclusion that Ryan would have never gotten so upset that night if I had left him alone. He would have been sober the next day and everything would have been normal. I did this. I created this mess, this monster. I put everyone in danger; the only people I have left are no longer safe because of me. This is my fault.

I spent quite a while thinking about everything and crying before I heard pounding on the bathroom door.

“Sam? Sam I know you’re in there, please let me in.” It was Liam.

I contemplated a bit before unlocking the door and letting him in.

“Sam, are you alright?”

“Yeah, I-”

“Foolish question. I know you aren’t alright. Sam what is it that’s got you so worked up? We aren’t going to let him near you. Don’t worry.” Liam closed the door and wrapped his arms around me. We sat down against the bathroom cabinets when I finally opened up to him.

“This is all my fault. I did this, I could’ve stopped it,” my voice cracked.

“Sam what are you talking about? He tried to kill you, that isn’t your fault.”

“But I made him mad. If I wasn’t so pushy about his drinking he would have never gotten mad. Even if he did, if I wasn’t so stubborn, if I would have just let him have his way with me, this would have never happened. But now everyone is involved. And it’s all my fault.”

”Sam don’t you dare ever think like that. You don’t deserve any of what you went through.”

“If dad were still alive this would have never happened, I would have stayed with him.”

“What happened?”

“My dad died about six months ago. I didn’t have any family. Ryan had his own place at the time so I moved in with him. That was when I noticed the drinking. He would go out and party with friends till the early morning, he would come home drunk, I would make him angry, and that’s when he started to hurt me. I was so stupid for making him angry I should’ve just left it-”

“Don’t ever regret what happened. If you had stayed something worse would have happened. Harry would have never met you. You’ve changed him, in such a short time you’ve changed him. We would have never met you. Niall would have never met Ty. We wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. You coming to LA is the best thing that ever happened to any of us. For the first time, Harry is genuinely happy with a girl. For the first time, Niall is happy even when his stomach is empty. It’s all because you’re here, Sam. You did do this. You changed us, the band. Harry. Niall. Ty. By changing those people, you’ve changed us too. We owe it to you to protect you. Sam we love you.”

Liam’s speech made me lose it. I put my head in my hands and cried. Liam wrapped his arms around me and held me, cradling me and hushing me. Could he really think that? Could any of them really think that? That I changed them?

It took a good twenty minutes to calm me down. I finally stopped crying, and realized how tired I was. I almost fell asleep on the bathroom floor, my head on Liam’s shoulder when he said to me:

“Sam, I think we should go outside now. We’ve been in here for a good hour. Ty and Harry are jumping out of their skin. They wanted to come in, but I insisted.” Liam stood up and held his hand out to me. Before I knew it, I was walking down the hallway back to the couch where the boys and Ty were. Everyone but Harry.

“Where’s Harry?” I asked.

“He’s outside on the terrace. Liam, he said he wants to talk to you. He’s been crying,” Zayn said.

Oh no.


How could he? Really? Liam, my best mate, my brother, in the bathroom with my girl for an hour. An HOUR. Sam is mine, Liam can’t have her. I balled my hands in to fists as I sat in the chair on the terrace when Liam walked out, sliding the glass door shut behind him.

“Hey, Zayn said you wanted to talk to me?”

“What the actual fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You were in the bathroom with Sam for an hour. You know how I feel about her. What the hell did you do with her?”

“Harry relax she was bawling her eyes out I was only there to comfort her.”

“What did she tell you? You should’ve let me be there for her, I’m the one that sleeps with her every night,” I huffed. I was fuming now.

“She told me how she thinks all of this is her fault. She feels like she put the only people she has left in grave danger, and there’s nothing she can do about it. She said she would have rathered Ryan take her life than be a burden to us.”

“She… she said that?” My eyes filled with tears.

“Yes, mate, she did.”

“Liam… you didn’t, you know… do anything with her, right?” I looked up at him, he was still standing by the glass door.

“Harry are you kidding? Don’t get me wrong Sam is hot and all but I know you like her. A lot. Louis even says you love her. I wouldn’t do that to you…. besides, she wants you just as bad as you want her. She still does. I can tell. She didn’t want you to be in danger.”

“Did she say that?”

“Pretty much. Mate, I can tell. She cares about you, that’s all there is to it. Go for it.”

“Thank you, Liam. For everything.” I smiled at Liam and he smirked back. I will go for it. I will go for Sam.

I don't like doing a lot of author's notes because honestly I think they annoy the readers and that's the last thing I want to do but I don't want you to think I don't care about the readers either. If you read this fanfic and you like it, bless your soul. Literally. I work really hard on this and it means the world when people like it. If you truly enjoy it, tell me. It means the world. Thank you ily.

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