Chapter 6

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"Thank you, I had fun today," I admitted to Harry. 

"I'm glad. I had fun today too. I'm not so bad, am I?" he chuckled and I shook my head. 

"Goodbye, Harry," I laughed.

"Goodbye, Samantha..." He said lowly as he leaned his head in. I knew what was coming, he was going to kiss me, and I wasn't about to let it happen.

"Harry I can't I'm sorry." He stepped away.

"I'm sorry Sam," he frowned. I turned away and knocked on the door. I have got to get a key, Jesus. I walked in the front door as I secretly watched Harry walk away. He looked so good today. Wait? What am I saying? I can't think of him like this. I wound up on a date with the kid because of Ty, things didn't go well so we had a redo and I've made some new friends. That's all.


Two weeks go by, with a text here or there from Harry. I've been laying low with Ty for days now, which is what  I should have been doing all along. I've found myself quite tired and sore with all my injuries. My bruises healed significantly, and my nose didn't hurt much anymore. I was able to go to a clinic and get some sort of cream for the scar the gash and stitches left in my arm. I was getting better, but Ryan never left my mind. I had nightmares all the time, some involving Harry, some even involving Ty, but all of them involving Ryan. Ty spent most nights in my room than her own. I felt bad, but I couldn't help it. It kind of just happened that way.  Ty also decided it would be a good idea to have the boys at our apartment tonight, so that's what we're doing. It's not because they're my friends or anything, it's because she thinks Niall is hot. And that's the way Ty works. We cleaned the apartment and the boys arrived, it was the first time I had seen Harry since he tried to kiss me. It was a bit awkward at first but it wore off. We all sat around, eating chips and playing Mario Kart. After about I don't know ten trillion rounds of Louis winning every time, we decided to watch a movie. We were flipping through the channels, moaning and groaning about how there was nothing to watch, when the remote batteries died. It was channel 4, California news. 

"Mr. Ryan Cartoff is being released from New York State Prison next week on good behavior. His original sentence was six month for disorderly conduct and violent behavior for abusing his girlfriend of one year, Samantha Zenna." My jaw dropped as everyone turned to look at me. I didn't know my story made national news. I didn't even know Ryan was being released early. I was embarrassed, because no one knew. I sat there on the couch until I couldn't take it anymore and ran off to my room.


Sam got off the couch and ran to her room, tears in her eyes, Ty immediately following. It made sense now, everything. Her resistance to my touch. Her reluctance to kiss me. The fact that she was here all of a sudden in the first place, it all clicked. I wanted to follow her, to comfort her and make sure she was okay.  But then my worry for Sam took a different turn. I wanted to crush this Ryan asshole for what he did to my Sam. She doesn't deserve that, not one bit. Tears welled up in my eyes and I walked away from the boys to find Sam. I heard muffled crying and talking, and knocked on the door.

"Sam? Sam I know you're upset... Sam, Ty would you please let me in? Please I.." The door swung open to reveal a worried Ty and Sam, curled up in bed.

"She's not happy right now, she didn't want anyone to know, I don't think now is a good time Harry." "Please just give me a chance to talk to her please I can't watch her go through this and not be there for her please I-"

"I said not now Harry. Not when she's like this."


"I said not now Harry. Not when she's like this."

"He can come in. There isn't anything else to hide," I stated, my voice raspy and shaky.

"Ty, would you mind if I speak to Sam alone?" Harry stated, worry on his face. I now noticed that his eyes were red. Was he crying? No, he can't be, he's strong, he doesn't cry over stuff like that. Not over me. Ty left the room and Harry closed the door behind her. He sat down on my bed, he didn't say a word, he just scooped me up in his arms and held me. I immediately began to panic and tried to get out of his grip, but I couldn't. 

"Sam, I'm not going to hurt you." I began to cry again, a nervous, panic kind of crying.

"Sam, shh. Babe. It's okay. I am not going to hurt you. I'm here to hold you. I'm so sorry about what he did to you. I won't let anyone hurt you." His words immediately made me cry. He held me as I sobbed and stained his gray t shirt with salt water and mascara as he wrapped his protective arms around me tighter and kissed my forehead. Two months now since I almost died in my own home. Ryan gets out of jail for good behavior? He almost killed me. What if he comes back?

"Harry, what if he- what if he comes back what if he finds me Harry he'll kill me-"

"I won't let him. I won't let him near you. None of us will," he reassured me. He let me fall out of his arms and on to my pillow, he covered me with the blankets and headed for the door. 

"Harry?" He turned around.


"Will you stay with me?"


"Will you... Will you stay? I feel safe with you. Please stay," I begged him.

"Of course I will," his dimples appeared, "I'll be right back, okay?"

"Okay." Before I knew it Harry was back. He slipped off his jeans and crawled in to bed next to me in his boxers and t shirt. Normally I would be freaking out, but I was so tired and I felt comfortable with Harry, I really didn't mind. 

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