Chapter 14

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A week passed at Liam’s. Harry and I spent a lot of time on the couch with potato chips and Chinese food. Niall and Ty spent most of their time in the bedroom. Liam, Louis and Zayn spent most of their time making fun of all of us. A few days ago, Louis took my carton of rice and dumped it in the garbage. He filled it with raw pasta. He also stole Zayn’s hair gel and hid Niall’s favorite snacks. Quite the jokester.

I haven’t cried or broken down since the first day at Liam’s. I’m quite proud of myself for it, although it’s probably because Harry has never left my side. Harry and Liam went down to the studio a few days ago and convinced management that they needed a break. They have a whole month to ‘fool around in LA,’ little do they know they’re cooped up in an apartment complex trying to protect me.  

I wouldn’t say I forgot about Ryan, because I still cringe every time my phone rings. But I’m not as scared as I was. I try not to think about it. I haven’t heard from the NYPD about him, and I haven’t heard from him either. There’s been nothing on the news. Maybe this was all to scare me. Maybe he wasn’t coming. Maybe he couldn’t find me.

I feel bad for the boys. With the exception of Harry and Liam at the studio a few days ago, no one has left Liam’s in a week. We get take out a lot. Niall ran out of snackies for himself and made Lou (Teasdale) go get him some. She knows what’s going on, she’s a good friend of Harry’s so I trust her.

I sat in my room at Liam’s for a good ten minutes before getting up. There was a note on Harry’s pillow that I read over and over again.


I went to go get food in the kitchen, I’m hungry.

I know I’m right in the other room but I didn’t want to leave without leaving you a note.

Is that weird?

I kind of want pancakes but I doubt Liam has the stuff for it.

I don’t know why I’m telling you this.

I’m running out of space on this piece of paper.


-Harry x

Harry’s note made me laugh. He’s so weird. The boys said sometimes he adds “stagram” on to words and makes himself laugh. Louis makes fun of him.

Paperstagram. Idiot.


Now I’m laughing at myself.

I grabbed Harry’s note off the pillow and shoved it in to my makeup bag. I wanted to keep it. It was cute.

I left my room and walked to the kitchen where I found Zayn and Harry trying to follow pancake recipes from their iPhones. There was flour everywhere, there was an egg cracked on the floor. Someone spilled milk on the toaster. These boys are idiots.

“What the hell are you guys doing?”

“Sam! It’s Zayn’s fault! I can cook and he can’t! He dropped an egg and spilled the flour and… Zayn is that milk on the toaster?”

“Shut up Harry I can’t follow these recipes from my phone! The font is weird.”

“Mhm sure.”

“I read your note Harry. Paperstagram?” I shook my head and giggled.

“I think I’m hilarious.”

“I thought it was cute. I kept it.”

“You did?”

“Yes. I did. You’re an idiot. Idiotstagram.”

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