Chapter 9

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I decided to shower and put on actual clothes before Harry came because if he showed up and I looked exactly the same as when I left him God knows what he would think of me. I know that kicking Harry out wasn't exactly the best idea but I was only trying to protect myself. And the kiss, oh shit the kiss. Is it weird to think I might have liked it? I can't. Not with Harry. I'm done, I'll get hurt again. Not to mention Ryan's phone call that I still can't process right now. He won't come, they'll find him, right? Besides, he doesn't even know where I am.

As soon as I threw myself together, there was a knock at the door. I knew it was Harry, but I knew I would let Ty get it. Before I knew it, six foot curly was standing in the doorway to my bedroom.

"Oh. Hi."



"So? Louis said you wanted to talk to me."

"What!? Ty said you wanted to talk to me..."


"So you don't?"

"Of course I do."

"Well?" What the hell was going on here? I'm going to kill Ty. And Louis. 

"Sam. I don't know what to do with you. About you. About us. This. One second you aren't interested in me, then you accept my dinner date. Then I have to take you home. But then you want to reschedule. You ask me to stay, I hold you and comfort you, I kiss you, and then you kick me out. I don't get this. I know you've been through a lot and nobody deserves that. But I told you. I would never hurt you. Why don't you see that? Why wouldn't you give me the chance to make you happy?" Harry's eyes welled up with tears. I can't believe this. He's crying? Over me? We've hardly even spent time together yet he can't seem to leave my mind. I know Harry would never hurt me. Why am I so afraid? Because I can't hurt Harry. But why do I care? Because I love him. I love Harry for what he's done. I barely even know the boy and he hasn't failed me yet. He's been there for me, especially last night. Why is he putting up with this?

"Why are you putting up with it then? Why don't you leave?" I said, crying now.

"I can't. I've spent little time with you Sam but I can't help but feel like I'm not right without you. I'm not going anywhere, Sam. I care too much."

"Harry, maybe you should go..."

"I'm not leaving until I know you're okay. Until I know we're okay."

"Harry we're just friends there's nothing to make okay." The words stung coming out of my mouth but it was what I needed to do.

"So that's how you see it? Just friends?" He was hurt now. " In all honesty Sam, I don't see it like that. Why do you deny me, Samantha?" Why does he do this? My full name, whenever he's serious. Why does he ask me all these questions? What is he looking for?

"Harry what is it you're looking for? What is it you're looking for me to say?"

"I want you to say that you feel the same way, because I can see it in your face. I know you do. You can't keep playing these games. I know you want it as much as I do, no matter what you've been through. No matter how afraid you are." He looked up at me and I could literally feel his green eyes burn in to me. He saw right through me. He could tell that I wanted him, he knew even when I didn't. 

"Wha.. What.. I-I-." I had no words. I didn't know what to do.

"Sam..." I realized now that while I sat on the bed in tears Harry was still standing in the doorway. He walked towards the bed and sat next to me, before I knew it I was in his arms the same way I was last night.

"Harry, I'm not ready for something like this," I said, my voice cracking. I was crying again, the tears fell from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks, making my blonde hair stick to my face.

"Samantha it doesn't matter if you think you're ready or not, I just want you to admit that you want it. It's not about knowing whether you're ready it's about how you feel."

"Harry I can't-"

"Sam. You can. Sam I can protect you, baby you can have anything you want, I want you to be happy. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to hurt you. Sam.." He reached up to wipe the tears rolling down my cheeks and to move my hair off my cheeks. This is so irrational. I can't love Harry if I don't know him that well. I can't enjoy Harry holding me as much as I am now. How do you get rid of a feeling? How can you just... Not feel it anymore? You can't. Ignoring my feelings for Harry isn't going to do anything... But is this is okay? Is this right? "Sam, stop worrying, stop doubting. I can see it on your face. It's going to be okay." I swear to God this boy can read minds. My head is spinning. This isn't.. This isn't right. It feels right, but I know it isn't.



"Can I.. Can I stay?"

"Stay? Like... Tonight?"

"Yes. I've missed you terribly." Harry's words made me blush, is this really happening?

"Harry I don't know if that's a good idea I-"

"Samantha. Forget what your head says. In your heart, what you feel, do you want me to stay? Don't lie to me."

"I-well-I mean I... Yes. I do. Harry, I want you to stay."

"I was hoping you'd say that. But I have to go to the studio tomorrow, I need to be out by nine, the boys are ready to kill me I'm sure. I didn't go today.."

Harry was standing now, wiggling off his skinny jeans just like he did last night. He climbed in to bed next to me, which is something I never thought would happen again.


"I didn't go to work today. I just... I didn't want to. Not after everything." 


"Yeah." I rolled over so I faced the mint green walls, away from Harry. He snaked his arm around my waist and effortlessly pulled me closer to him, my shoulder blades making contact with his chest.  The fact that Harry and I were this close in this situation that I never even imagined scared me. I tensed up, and Harry could tell. "Sam. Stop relying on what you think, what happened to what you feel?"  His words immediately calmed me again. He was right, and I knew he was. As my mind ran over everything that happened today, my body caught up with how tired I was. My body slowly lost consciousness, as I heard Harry's voice in my ear:

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try

To fix you...

And Harry Styles will try to fix me.

OH LOOK ANOTHER AUTHOR'S NOTE. Ok so on the side is the song Harry was singing, Fix You by Coldplay. I would also like it if you guys commented and voted and just idk let me know how you like the story. Tell your friends about it too okay love ya pce xo

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