Chapter 10

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That night with Harry was the first of many. Harry was the only thing that made me sleep through the night, nightmare free. I felt safe with him. I told Harry about the nightmares eventually, and from then on he never left me at night. Harry spent two weeks in my bed. Nothing happened. We never kissed again, there was certainly no sex, he just stayed with me. To make sure I was ok. He cared. One morning in particular, this morning, I woke up to something Harry’s body next to mine could not protect me from.


Hey baby. I’m sure you’re glad to hear from me on my cell. I’m out now, got out about a week ago. Wish I knew where you were, Sam… it seems we have some… unfinished business. Tell anyone about this text and you’ll regret it. Don’t you dare go to the police. They’re wrapped around my finger.

Love you. xo.

“Sam, who the hell is texting you at 8:00 AM? It’s too damn early, give me that.”

Before I could even process Ryan’s text, Harry had my phone in his hand.

“Samantha… why is he contacting you?” He looked up at me, he was laying in bed still while I was sat up. His eyes were full of worry. My heart began to race and my eyes welled up with tears as I buried my face in my hands.

“Harry, I told you he would come back.”

“Sam, he isn’t going to find you number one. Number two, this needs to go to the police.”

“Harry it can’t go to the police, he told us not to. I’m scared of what he’ll do to me,” I was sobbing now. Once again I was trapped in the clutches of Ryan. Once again, he had me cornered and there was nothing I could do about it.

“Samantha. I’m taking your phone to the police, this can’t go on.”

”Harry please don’t. Please I’m begging you. You can’t. You don’t know Ryan like I do. Please, he will kill me,” I pleaded with Harry.

“Fine,” he huffed, “I can’t believe I’m giving in to this.”

“I need you to, you don’t know what he’ll do,” I gulped. I didn’t even know what Ryan would do. I just knew he was probably drunk and angry.

“It’s too early for this,” Harry put my phone down on the nightstand and pulled the covers over his head. I lay back down next to him, and we fell asleep yet again.




After Harry left, I met Ty in the kitchen for our morning coffee ritual.

“So… Sam… Harry’s been around quite a lot lately… and he sleeps in your bed… is there something I need to know?” Ty raised her eyebrows and giggled.

“Ty! Harry and I are friends,” lie lie lie. That wasn’t what I wanted, but I couldn’t let her know that. Nobody needed to know.


“Ty! We don’t do anything… honestly, he really just keeps the nightmares out of my head. I don’t know why, but I feel safe with him.” I was blushing now.

“Does he know… you know… about the nightmares?” Ty asked.

“Yeah. I told him. I think that’s why he spends every night here. I told him, when he’s here, I don’t have bad dreams.”

“Sam… do you like him?”

”What!? No. Hell no. What would make you think that?”

“Samantha Marie Zenna do you see the way this boy looks at you!? He totally likes you. Plus, he’s stuck around through all this… and he can sing. And he’s hot. And he’s inked. He’s a keeper. GO FOR HIM,” Ty was ready to jump across the table and attack me, but all I could do was laugh.

“Harry did like me in the beginning of all this. I could tell he did. But honestly, I think right now he’s just being a good friend. He doesn’t want all this baggage and he doesn’t deserve it either, he’s just trying to be a good friend. That’s all,” my little shpeil about Harry not liking me was true. That was how I felt. I don’t see how a guy could honestly want someone the way Ty thinks Harry wants me if this person has so much baggage.

“Sam do you hear yourself stop doubting it and just go for it. He likes you, Niall even told me he can tell,” Ty giggled. Oh, little Ty and Niall. Tiall. Hah.

Ty and Niall really hit it off that night all the boys were over. They go out together on Fridays, they hang out all the time, Ty’s picture even wound up in a magazine at one point. They were a thing now.

“Of course, Niall,” I rolled my eyes and laughed and Ty blushed. Ty went to talk when she was cut off by my phone buzzing.


It seems we don’t quite understand what it means to not tell anyone about our little conversations. You’re new little boyfriend and I had a nice chat on the phone. Sweetheart, you will never get away from me. The good news is, I have an iPhone. And now, from his call, I know where you are. “Harry” was it? Tell him I say thanks a bunch.

Make sure you don’t tell the police, Sammy, or I’ll make sure Harry is dead, too.

Love you. xo.

My heart began to race and my chest began to heave as my breathing spiraled out of control. Did this really just happen?

“Sam? Sam! What happened!?” Ty got up and grabbed my phone from my hands and read the text.

“Oh no. No. This isn’t happening. Not right now. No, no, no,” Ty looked up at me.

“I’m calling Harry. He can calm you down, and I need to yell at him.”

As I sat at the table crying, I listened to Ty talk to Harry.

“Harry? It’s Ty… you need to get your ass over here now… No she isn’t okay… no you… Harry listen to me…. ugh. Just get your ass here now. Bye,” before I knew it, Harry was pounding at the door.

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