CHAPTER 1-How It Began

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(Picture is Noah)

I was in the bathroom. Probably the grossest place in the whole school. I didn't really like to eat in the cafeteria. The bathroom walls can't judge me which is a nice change from all the death stares my "friends" give me. I live on the Upper East Side and before you ask it is nothing like in Gossip Girl. Although there are a few bitches I wouldn't mind taking down. 

My school is a private school for girls. And for girls only. Our teachers are very strict. I guess they have to if they want to keep being the best school in New York City. I mean my school has the whole package: the best SAT scores, the highest National Ranks, and the most outstanding student grades. And we also have a bonus package: the bitches that bully. Believe me, I am not one of them. To be honest I'm quite the opposite.

 My real name is Briella but everyone at school calls me 'the Furg': The Fat Ugly Rich Girl. That nickname was given to me by my lovely ex-Best friend Amanda. Our story is quite a cliche. She used to be a nerd just like me but then she got a boyfriend and instantly she changed. Started wearing sexier clothes, started wearing lenses and even got rid of her braces. I guess I was in her way because she beat the shit out of me and pushed me under a bus. Not literally of course. She is mean but she isn't wicked. (WHAT UP MEAN GIRLS REFERENCE!)  Amanda started calling me names and everyone joined in, I guess. After that, no one would talk to me. Well except to bully me. So now I'm alone. 

The sandwich in my hands tastes really weird. A mixture of honey and toilet paper I think. I really shouldn't eat in the bathroom. This can't be hygienic. Can it?

"Huhuuu. Furg! I know you're in there! I mean where else would you be. It's not like you have any friends other than that toilet seat."

"What do you want Amanda?" I could recognize that voice even if I was asleep.

"Oh, now I need a reason to talk to the Furg? I don't think so. Come out or I will make you." There is the Amanda that I know and love so much. I got out of the disabled toilet. It was so much bigger so I preferred it.

"What do you want Amanda?" This was as sassy as I got, at least towards Amanda. I usually never let people treat me bad but since Amanda, I just couldn't. She was supposed to be my best friend.

"I was just going to give you some advice," Oh this was going to be fun "Sweety, you have something on your chin." Because I'm a reasonable human being my first reaction was to look in the mirror.

"No on the third one down." Ouch. That hurt.

"Fat jokes. Real classy Amanda." I said getting out of the bathroom. I wasn't going to cry in school. I did that one too many times. And you should never show your enemies that you're hurting. Never. I just couldn't take any of this anymore. Any of them. This was the bazillion time she called me fat or ugly or depressed. I mean she might be a witch but I was only human. Life can be so cruel sometimes. The worst thing isn't the insults it's that they won't stop. Even just for a day. What I wouldn't give to live one single day without anyone calling me fat or ugly or alone. I know I am all these things but how can I change if everyone keeps reminding me?

I was so hurt that I let my feet take me out the door of our school. I still have 50 minutes of lunch break and I was allowed to go outside if I wanted to. I was a senior. But most days I would stay in school doing my homework and other fun stuff, mostly alone. As soon as I got out the school doors I made my way to the Central Park. Usually, I hate parks. I mean who likes bugs and trees and all that outdoor stuff? Or maybe it was the fact that I was always the worst at sports. 

I mean literally every sport you can think of. Today was an exception. I walked and walked and walked until I couldn't feel my feet anymore. By the time I stopped to catch my breath I was in Times Square. I don't even know how I got here. I must have kept going on 7th street. I am usually not alone in public alone. You see my father is a lawyer, the best lawyer in New York City to be exact. Whenever anyone famous gets in trouble they call my dad. You should have seen him in court. When I was younger I used to watch him. He is so confident and so determined. He is my hero, what I wouldn't do to be just like him. But being the best has its disadvantages. 

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