CHAPTER 29- The Graduation

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The day had come. This is where the countdown ends. This is where the truth reveals itself. This is when all the exams, mental breakdowns, and zits because of stress pay off.

"Are you ready?", Noah asked me entering our room. I had my graduation gown on and a simple, flowy dress underneath it.

"Am I ever?", I questioned myself in the mirror. Thanks to that exact mirror I could see Noah make his way up to me. 

He wrapped his arms around my tummy. "You look absolutely stunning", then Noah got a little bit hormonal and his hands made their way up to my boobs, "What I would do to you. Princessa, I want to rip this dress off of your body and make you so happy you might explode but sadly we only have 5 minutes and what I have planned for you will take more time."

I turned around to face him.

"Oh is that so? And when are you planning on doing those things to me?" I questioned him, kissing his neck.

"Stop is that tickles."

"Oh is the big bad gang member ticklish?" I was full on mocking him.

"Stop it. But coming back to that question: you, me, dinner, tonight. I cook, you eat as a high school graduate."

I mean if I am quite honest with you that sounded like heaven. Being alone with Noah was the only thing I wanted.

"Sure but I have one condition." 

"Go on..." Noah answered a little bit reluctant. 

"I want Ben and Jerry's on the way back." I gave him my puppy eyes, "Pleeeeeeease?"

Noah planted a kiss on my nose, "Anything for my princessa who will soon be attending Columbia. I will buy a freaking Ben and if you want also a fucking Jerry. I mean I always wanted to try a threesome but if you want to start with a foursome then..."

I giggled and lightly hit his arm.

"You little perv, you know that's not what I meant."

"Oh, I know. I wouldn't share you anyways." Noah crashed his lips onto mine and while he was at it, he slipped his tongue in as well.

A moan escaped my lips and I stopped to tell him that we were going to miss the graduation if he didn't stop right this second.

We made it to the graduation ceremony on time and fully clothed. Well almost. Noah had a few buttons unbuttoned and my made up hair was messed up now. 

Noah, Laz, and Xavier were all sitting in the front row grinning like they just won the gold medal at the Olympics. My mom and dad were there as well. Sitting two seats to the left the boys. 

The school principle kept talking and talking and talking, calling out all of the names one by one when he came to Amanda, I expected everyone to clap like they did with the rest but to my shock, the guys threw TRASH at her! I mean quite literally! Laz took his empty Starbucks cup out of a bag and hit her on the head. Everyone started laughing except Amanda who just screamed and stormed off. To be quite frank, if it were anybody else I would have run after them and apologized but it was Amanda we were talking about. Even I wasn't stupid enough to think that I could change that ice cold heart of hers. And then I heard my name

"And Briella Rose Adams." The principle called and Noah stood up and screamed "That's my girl!" while I made my way with my diploma.

I was finally freeeeeeee!

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