CHAPTER 23- The Confrontation

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It has been two weeks since we've been in London. I have called Martin a couple of times, send my mom one text telling her I was okay and A LOT of playing poker with the boys but to be quite frank with you, I was getting bored. Why were we here? I mean a vacation is like a few days. Noah refused to answer that question. By refuse I mean anytime I brought it up he would shower me with kissed and sometimes even more. Davian was also showering me with attention, the only one who seemed to ignore me was Xavier. I guess seeing me naked was a little bit too much for his eyes.

"Noah I am soooo bored. Can we please go back?" I pleaded while sitting on the couch of the house we were staying at. No idea whose house. Again one of the questions the boys refused to answer.

He bent down and pecked my nose. Davian and Xavier who were sitting next to me on the couch made gagging noises.

"You know we can't do that princessa. We still have so much to see. I mean you still haven't seen Hyde Park. It is supposed to be so beautiful."

"Noah. Hunny. No one cares about the Hyde Park and as the chubby, unfit, nature-hating girl that I am, I especially don't want to. And my school started a couple of days ago. I am missing so much. What if I don't graduate? What will I do then?"

I was actually very worried about my future.

"Missy I would still love you even if you were a high school drop out. As you know I'm not really a Harvard Law graduate myself. But you still love me, right?"

"Of course I love you, my badboy."

"And I love you, my angel."

"I love you more, teddy bear."

"No, I..."

"God damn it! STOP IT!" Xavier screamed all of a sudden and ran out the door. Noah wanted to go after him but I told him that I would. I mean what was it with Xav? He was acting so weird the last couple of days.

I walked for the next two hours but this wasn't a tiny town. This was London for god's sake. What did I think? I could just step out and all of a sudden Xavier would be standing there. And my biggest problem was that I didn't take anything with me when I ran (as a chubby person I have to say, normal person power walk equals chubby person running after Zayn). I forgot my phone, my jacket, and my money. I was only in jeggings and a thin sweater.

And to top that off, I was lost now.

"Ahhh I can't believe I got lost" I whispered to myself.

"Sweetheart you are not lost." Someone whispered behind me and I knew who it was instantly:

It was my gang leader of a father.

I wanted to run away. I wanted to hide. I didn't want to see him. I wasn't ready to see him.

"I need to see you sweety. You are my daughter. You are my future. I know that me not telling you was wrong but you are my blood. I hope that you can find it in yourself to forgive me."

"No, dad. I can't forgive you. Why wouldn't you tell me? I mean was it so hard it takes literally five seconds. Hey, Briella you are the daughter of a gang leader. No, I'm going to correct myself. It takes three seconds. And how the hell did you find me? I don't even know where we are."

"We are right around the corner of the house that you're staying at. And yes I have been having men follow you for the past couple of weeks. Okay, maybe all your life. I just wanted you to have your childhood because some day you have to take over my business. I mean I am getting quite old and I want you to run the Red Devils."

Okay, now it makes sense why we were here. Should I thank Noah or kill Noah? I mentally debated."The Red Devils? Seriously? And I don't want to run your gang. I don't want anything to do with your gang."

"Oh, so Noah and Davian are not part of the gang? Why can you accept them but not your father? Not your blood?"

"Because they told me upfront that what they were and didn't lie to me for 17 years. And yes I love them. They have been more my family for the past couple of months than you have all my life."

"Look I didn't come here to fight with you. I am going to make you a deal. You come back and run the gang and I will stop having my guys follow you."

"Dad, there is no way I would accept that deal. I love Noah and I don't want to run your gang. I don't want to run any gang. I'm still not comfortable with the idea that you paid for my school with blood money."

"I didn't. Most of my money comes from being a lawyer but you know that. You used to love watching my trials. Having a gang is surprisingly expensive. Especially because of the new gang that is forming."

"Let me guess. The white bunnies? Or the gray elephants?" It was a cheap shot but I was still pissed about the not telling me about the gang all my life part of our father-daughter relationship.

"Very funny. Well, you will have to get used to the idea of you leading a gang because there is no one other than you that can do this. But for now, I will leave you. Just one last thing. Please call your mother. She has been worried sick, telling me that I am the real Devil for driving our daughter away."

Well, thanks dad for making me feel bad. Thank you so much.

And then we both parted. I made my way over to the house and he got into the black Range Rover.

Now that I think about it I should have seen the signs that he was a gang leader.

(Just uploaded a new cover. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments down below.)

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