CHAPTER 13- The Slap

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(The picture is Amanda. Yes, she is the mean girl from 'Camp Rock'. Guilty as charged)

Mondays. WHY?! Just like every other teenager I also hate Mondays. I mean who likes school? The only thing good about this day was that Noah dropped me off at school this morning. It was so fun to wake him up at 7 AM in the morning. He kept screaming 'I'll be down in a minute mom' and then it hit me I didn't know anything about Noah's family. I didn't even know his last name. It had been a month since I had met Noah and yet I still didn't know anything about him. So I asked him when we were in the school parking lot.

"Hey, Noah. This might be a little straight forward but why don't I know anything about you?" I asked while taking my helmet off.

"What do you mean sexy lady? You know me." Noah answered.

"No I mean I don't know when your birthday is, I don't know if you have siblings. Hell, I don't even know your last name." 

"Well those things are not important but if you want to know after school we can take a walk and I'll tell you all about it."

I was satisfied with that answer "Okay." I answered smirking.

And after that awesome morning, of course, a shitty school day would follow. It was lunch now and for the first time in a long time, I didn't have lunch with me. You see Xavier offered to make me a sandwich but he was obviously joking. Oh, how I wish I had one of Gloria's lunch boxes right now. She has prepared me such good food.

Standing in this ridiculous food line was bad but hearing Amanda's 'huhuuu' was even worse.

"What Amanda?" I said with a sight. There was a girl in front of me in line. She gave me a pitying look. As I have said before everyone knows how Amanda treats me it's just they don't care.

"I saw someone drop you off today. Daddy paid someone to hang out with you?" She tilted her head and pout her lips.

"Nooo that would be your father." I think that hanging out with the boys gave me the courage to say that. 

"Oh, I see. Someone is stupid enough to hang out with the Furg. How pathetic must they be if they're hanging out with someone like you? I guess you must have found your people. I only have one question. Are they as ugly and fat as you or are you also a loser in the loser group?" And as soon as Amanda was finished talking she started laughing like she made the joke of the year. 

"I mean what do you expect I try to be like you and you are the loser of the loser group, right?" I ask sarcasm dripping from my mouth. And then something happened that I did not see coming. Amanda was so mad she started turning red. She looked at me and as in slow motion picked up her hand and slapped me. I could feel her handprint on my face, burning into my skin.

I was so shocked I didn't know what to do. I just ran out of the cafeteria tears rushing down my face. Again I wanted to walk away but this time I didn't want to be alone. So I got my phone out of the bag and dialed Noah's number.

"What up school girl? Why are you calling me? Shouldn't you be in class?" Noah's voice was so calming that I couldn't help but smile. Sitting down in the hallway I asked

"Would you mind picking me up? Like right now?" My voice, on the other hand, cracked so he knew something was up.

"I don't know what happened but I'll be there in 10 minutes I was in the Central park anyway and I have a surprise for you." He said before hanging up.

I didn't want to keep sitting on the floor because soon the bell would ring and everyone would saw me crying on the floor. Don't let your enemies see you cry.

As promised soon after Noah came on his bike. Looking say as ever I saw him and I ran up to him. I hugged him so tightly and the tears started escaping my eyes. Noah kept rubbing my back and soon he took my face into his hands. He looked at the stop where Amanda slapped me and furious he asked: "Who did this?"

"It's nothing. I swear. Don't worry." But before I knew what was going on Noah ran up to our school. I screaming after him and as soon as he heard my voice he stopped. Furious Noah punched the school door. And let me tell you our door was made out of freaking steel. He must have broken his hand but he just came back to me gave me the helmet and told me to get on the bike. 

Being on Noah's bike had become a part of me and I felt free with him so I would follow him wherever he would go. He was the distraction that I needed.

I was so happy that this was the last few days before the winter break. Our break is weird. It starts at the end of January and lasts for about three and a half weeks. I was so glad to spend more time with Noah. All of our grades were already set so I wasn't going to bother attending the last few days. Who would notice anyways?

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