CHAPTER 28- The Countdown

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(Can we please appreciate Xavier :D)

64 days. Doesn't seem like much now does it but to me those days seem like an eternity. This might sound like some teenage crap but I can't wait until I get to move in with Noah like officially. I feel like my dad will come and snatch me any second. He said that I would have to take over the 'family business' but I didn't sign up for this. Of course, I told him what he wanted to hear: I told him I would be happy to but the truth is that as soon as I'm 18 we will have another conversation. I don't want my children to find out that their family is mixed in the gang business when they turn sixteen. 

"Hello." Xavier greeted me while he plopped down on the couch of the living room. Right now Laz and Noah were playing a video game where they had to kill a bunch of people. Weird game for an actual gangster, I thought so too.

I was sitting on the one person couch thingy and out of courtesy, I greeted him back. It had been a few days since our weird no-Noah-pick-me-talk with Xavier and he has tried everything to get to me. He has done me breakfast for the whole past week and I mean everything, from bacon to scrambled eggs and pancakes.

Laz stood up and announced that he had to get back to 'business' and Noah,  Xavier and I agreed tp go to the backyard and spend some time. I didn't know what this was about but I just knew that something was going on. Those two seemed waaaaay too happy that I had agreed to come outside. Noah took my hand and lead me to the backyard where there is grass everywhere. "Man you guys seriously have to learn to mow your yarn. I mean how hard can it be for three, strong gang member guys to mow a freaking yarn. You are just so lazy." I said smiling and looking into Noah's eyes when we left the house. He had his arms around my waist and was kissing the tip of my nose.

"You know me so well that my eyes are watering. Briella I love you so freaking...." Much. That's how that sentence should have ended but before Noah could say that one last word we were hit with something. It hurt and I could feel the water soaking into my white shirt. And everyone knows what happens when a white shirt gets soaking wet. Noah looked pissed and yelled a 'What the hell, dude?'

Xavier was fast to react. Oh, he was so sneaky as well. He knew that my shirt would get wet and seethrough and he was so casual when he answered with a 'My bad' and took off his gray sweatshirt, offering it to me. 

I mean I obviously wasn't going to take it but I needed it so badly. "Xavier, I wasn't going to accept your sweatshirt but I'm soaking wet, I'm cold, and my shirt is extremely see through." I justified myself. 

I was pulling his sweatshirt over my head when two hands wrapped themselves around my breasts. Something in my hair got stuck in the sweatshirt so I wasn't able to pull it down anymore. I was so shocked that the sweater stayed on my head. More particularly over my eyes, so I couldn't see anything or anyone.

"Uhm I hope this person is Noah or Xavier, get ready to get your ass kicked," I answered.

A deep voice behind me said in my right ear, "Of course it's me, baby."

But in my other ear, someone whispered. "But I bet you wanted it to be me." I knew that the second voice was Xavier and I guess so did Noah because I heard a "Don't take it so hard. It was just a joke, not a dick", from Xavier.

I mentally noted that Xavier's attitude towards Noah had changed drastically. He wasn't mean or anything but he was a little bit more hostile.

"Uhm guys? I'm still stuck. Would one of you mind pulling the sweatshirt down so I can stop basically flashing you?"

After Xavier helped me with the sweater, the guys wanted to keep playing with the bucket full of water balloons Xavier had brought out. I refused, saying that I was wet and cold. 

But have these two ever listened to something I said?! NO.

I was just about to enter the house when I got hit with a water balloon. I turned around to a devilishly smirking Noah and Xavier.

"Oh, you guys are so dead!" I yelled.

And that is how I spent two hours of my Saturday playing with water balloons.

At the end, I was soaking wet, even Xavier's gray sweater, Noah and Xavier were shirtless, and the backyard looked like Germany at the end of World War II.

Since it was Xavier's idea Xavier had to clean up. More like Noah forced him to.

Noah took my hand and lead me up the stairs. On the stairs I was walking in front of Noah when he leaned into me, making me stop and whispered into my ear, "You look crazy sexy in those wet pajamas, princessa. I can't control myself. Do you still have energy for a round?"

"Noah you do realize that you have to do more than just say 'you up for a round' to get me into bed."

Noah grabbed my butt and said "We'll see about that. You know that I'm irresistible."

"Oh, I know big boy. I know" I said squeaking and making my way into our room.

And as it turns out, I did have the energy.

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