CHAPTER 6- The next week

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The next week went by really fast. Most of the time I was either with Noah or at Tamy's Church. Everyone there knew me already and playing pool was so nice. I mean winning is nice. No one wanted to play anymore which kind of sucked but still. Last Friday when Noah dropped me off was a dream come true. Everyone was already there and saw how Noah gave me a kiss on the cheek. And after school, he even picked me up. Again Martin was not happy but he managed to cover for me.

And now it was Friday again. I got out of bed and wore the clothes I picked out yesterday. Black leggings, over the shoulder white blouse and black sneakers. Since I was mostly at Tamy's Church I had to dress the part. I went down the stairs to the kitchen where Gloria had already prepared breakfast.

"Oh god, I'm so..."

"Hungry? I know sweety there you go." She said handing me what looked like eggs with two sausages.

"Thank you. You are a live saver."

"Yeah, yeah I know." She added before disappearing into the hall.

After finishing breakfast I jumped in the car and saw that Martin was already in the driver's seat.

"Hey, Martin. What up?" I liked to talk 'slang' with Martin because he was so not used to it. It made him uncomfortable.

"Oh, pumpkin. Stop that! Pleaseeee."

"Okay," I smiled. After a couple of minutes we were at school and before getting out I told Martin that he shouldn't pick me up today.

"Okay but Briella. These I need to go shopping and I want to take a walk lies are getting old. At least let me meet this boy, okay? I swear I won't tell your parents."

"Someday soon Martin. Someday soon." I answered before hopping off and going to the school. Friday what a great start.

After school, Noah showed up as promised. He was wearing dark jeans that hung quite low on his hips, a blue shirt that made his green-blue eyes stand out and his usual bed hair that was way to perfect for his own good.

"Hello, there sexy lady." That was his new nickname and I kind of liked it more than the other.

"Hello to you too handsome." As soon as I was finished he handed me a helmet and I jumped on his bike. I was very comfortable using the bike now. I liked it even.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Today I'm taking you somewhere special." Okay very vague. But I could see how his eyes twinkled so it must be good.

We were on the bike for quite some time. I don't know where we were and at this point, I was afraid to ask. And for the first time, I didn't think 'If he wanted to kill me he would have done it a long time ago'. At this point in our relationship, I trusted Noah. Damn you trust. Because first, you trust someone then you like someone and then you love someone. We had the first thing and maybe even the second.

Soon the bike stopped in front of a house. It wasn't big but it wasn't small either. From the outside, it didn't look very homey but that could be changed. I mentally noted.

"Welcome to my house," Noah said pointing at the house.

"You live here on your own?" I mean he was old but not that old that he could live on his own.

"No I live here with Laz and Xavier but I do most of the cleaning. So yeah I know that it isn't much but still."

"No, it's so boylike. I mean it really needs a feminine touch." I said.

"Oh, a feminine touch you say. I didn't know that you knew so much about feminine touching. Come on. Let me show you the inside." Noah was such a perv. He knew I didn't mean it like that.

"Oh shut up."

We walked into the house and the inside was much homier than the outside. When you entered you could see that on the right there was a living room where Laz and Xavier were sitting on the couch watching TV and on the left, there was a kitchen. In the middle, I saw that there were stairs leading to the second floor. I guess their rooms must be there.

"Well hello there Beauty," Xavier shouted over to us. I took out my shoes out of respect, although Noah protested. And with my hot dog socks (yes my socks had little cartoon hot dog pictures on it) walked over to the living room.

"Hello to you to Beast." Noah and Laz looked at us confused and Noah said "Not even gonna ask." before jumping on the couch.

Right next to the now full couch there was a one person sofa seat. I sat down there and saw that the boys were watching 'Ride Along'.

"I love this movie. I like Ice Cube and Kevin Hart" I commented.

"This is the most beautiful movie ever made. I'm shocked that you know about it. Most girls only watch 'The Notebook' or 'The Fault in our Stars'." Xavier answered.

"Well I like those as well but I would rather watch something funny."

Laz looked at us with the coldest stare ever and said: "enough with the talking let me watch the damn movie."

I couldn't help but grin at this. He was like a 70-year-old grandpa. Noah who was watching me out of the corner of his eye, stood up and asked very loudly "Briella would you like to make popcorn with me since no one is obviously watching this movie?"

Laz was pissed. He took the pillow behind him and tried shooting at Noah who by now had taken me by the hand and ran into the kitchen. Laz missed and kept watching the movies.

"So sexy lady what kind would you like? We can do it with caramel or chocolate or plain old salt?"

"I don't really care. Whatever you want is fine with me." I answered. I was leaning against the counter. Noah made a move towards me and grabbed something behind me but I misread the situation and landed my lips on his cheek. After I noticed that he was trying to get the popcorn from behind me I was so embarrassed I started blushing.

"I'm sorry I totally misread the situation," I said while looking at the floor.

Noah dropped the popcorn on the floor and with one smooth move held me by my jaw and made me look at him.

"You didn't misread the situation." He said before crashing his lips on mine. This was my first kiss so I didn't know what to do but Noah was so sweet and so soft I wanted him to be my first kiss. He kept biting my lower lip and I somehow opened my mouth giving him full access to my mouth. I was so new to this yet I was so enjoying this.

"That was one of the best kisses I have ever had." He said after we parted.

"So one of and not the best?" I said with my fake confidence.

"Okay, maybe it was the best." Now he was the one blushing. I kissed his cheeks where the blush was starting to form which made him blush even harder.

"You are so cute, Noah."

"And you are so sexy, my sexy lady." We looked each other in the eyes until Xavier started screaming that we should 'hurry the fuck up'. We did as told and made caramel popcorn. My favorite. Hehehe.

Soon we joined the others on the couch. Laz was now sitting where I used to sit so I had to sit in between Noah and Xavier. After a while, I rested my head on Noah's shoulder and fell asleep again.

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