CHAPTER 9- The Drunken State

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"So mom good morning. How are you this beautiful Saturday morning?" I asked making my way over to the kitchen.

"I'm fine but can you just ask me what you want so I can keep reading the paper?" She answered not even looking away from what she was reading.

"I was going to ask you if I could stay at a friends house tonight. We want to have a sleepover, watch a lot of movies and eat ice cream."

My mom, Leyle was so happy I think I saw tears in her eyes."Of course askim. Whatever you want. you can even stay two nights Just make sure you're on time for school on Monday."

"Oh okay, thanks, mom," I said smiling. I grabbed an apple and sat down next to her. Technically I wasn't lying. I just didn't mention that these friends were male and that this sleepover was taking place in a bachelor pad. With three boys. And me.

At around 5 PM Noah send me a text that he was waiting for me in the alley. I couldn't just exit threw my balcony she would notice it so I made my way down the stairs and sure enough, my mom was in the kitchen baking some chocolate cupcakes. Damn mom.

"Mom I'm leaving"

"Okay, sweetie. Wait." She said coming over to me. She handed me a 100 dollar bill and told me to 'Have fun' and winked.

"Okay, mom. Don't worry."

I went downstairs and saw that Martin was waiting at the entrance "No Martin I will go to my friend's house on my own. Don't worry."

"Okay pumpkin just be careful. Guys your age can be so rude."

"How did you... Nevermind I will." I said before walking into the alley where Noah was waiting.

"Helloooo sexy lady. You look especially fine this afternoon. Are you ready to have like the most masculine sleepover ever?"

Noah was so cute. Look at him with all his sleepover talk and not to mention he had an adult size ONESIE on. And the onesie had the American flag on it. I mean god bless America.

I couldn't help but laugh at his onesie.

"I love your onesie. I wish I would have known I have a unicorn onesie myself. Bought from Amazon thank you very much."

"Well, shit do you know where it is?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Tell me."

"It is in the clothes top shelf. First on the right." He wasn't going to get it, was he? It was daylight and everyone was still in the house.

"Hold on. I'll be back in a sec." And as promised Noah was back a few minutes later with my unicorn onesie.

"Here you go princesa and now we have to hurry up. Xavier is so excited for the sleepover he made cookies and all. Laz even canceled his hookup for the night for our sleepover. You would think that a couple of twenty-something guys would have better things to do but we don't."

"Shut up you're still 19."

Noah was sitting on the bike already and I moved closer to him. I placed a really quick kiss on his lips and jumped behind him.

"Oh, by the way, we need to make a stop at a liquor store. We have like vodka and whiskey but we need tequila."

I just nodded as an answer. I didn't know we were drinking so still technically I didn't lie to my mom but even if I did she wouldn't care. For the first time since Amanda, I'm actually having a sleepover with friends.

We made the stop and for obvious reasons I didn't enter the shop. I have no idea how Noah got the alcohol but I didn't want to ask. He probably had a fake ID anyway.

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