CHAPTER 25- The Party

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It had been almost a month since Noah's birthday and soon it was my birthday. I was turning 17 can you believe it! I can't that's for sure. And for my birthday I wanted one very specific thing. I wanted to go to a party. I mean a real party and not just Tamy's Church. I was turning 17 and I had never been to a classic American dream party where sweaty teenagers grind on each other and everyone wakes up in the morning with a huge hangover. So my birthday wish was very basic. To attend one simple party was all that I wanted. I talked to Noah and first he offered to throw a party but to be honest, it was obvious that I would do the cleaning in the morning so I refused.  I made it clear that I only wanted to attend one. So then Noah told me that he would arrange something.

So a couple of days later it was a Saturday. A.K.A. my birthday. 

"Good morning beautiful", Noah whispered into my ear. I could smell the pancakes from inside our bedroom. Now don't get me wrong it was nice but it smelled more burned rather than delicious chocolate chip ones.

Without even cracking an eye open I asked "Noah? You do realize that the pancakes are burning, right?"

He didn't answer me before running out of the room screaming "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

I guess he didn't know that the pancakes were burning but besides that the day was perfect. My mom TEXTED me Happy birthday. Yeah, she didn't even call beside she also didn't even mention my dad.

  Xavier and Laz both bought me presents. Laz gave me a 'Free Laz hug' coupon and Xav got me a very cute necklace. It was black pearl so I assumed it was expensive. I told him I couldn't accept it but he insisted on it. He was such a good friend. Although what was a little bit strange was that during our present ceremony Noah didn't say a word. He just had his jaw clenched the whole time, mostly when Xavier was giving me the present.

It was about 8 o'clock at night when Noah told I had to get ready. I wore a simple red dress with a smokey eye look. Simple and easy but Noah seemed to really love it. When I entered the room Laz and Xavier, who were coming to the party with us were there, so Noah couldn't tell me how much he really liked it but Noah texted me 'Do you still want to go to the party? Because there are a thousand things I could do for you where closed would be optional.' That had me laughing and the ride to the party wasn't bad as well.

It took us a mere 30 minutes and for New York that is nothing. On the ride to the party, I found out that we were going to Zack's party. Apparently a friend of Noah and Laz from High School. I know that stereotypes are bad but when Noah had told be that he was an honor student, I just assumed that he was a nerd with no friends. Well, the first ten minutes of the party showed me otherwise.

Noah was mister popular in High School. Almost everyone said Hello to him and what surprised me most was that Noah introduced me as 'his girl'. I almost cried right then and there.

"Hey sexy lady, would you like a drink? I'm getting one for myself." Noah asked me after a couple of minutes. We were talking to Noah's football team friends.

"Yeah sure but let me get them. You're talking to your friends." I responded kissing Noah on the cheek. He responded with something along the lines of  'what did I do to deserve you' and I went looking for the kitchen.

I guess the drinks would be in the kitchen. The only problem was that I had to get through the dance floor to get to what looked like the kitchen. I tried pushing the masses away and it worked rather well until I felt a hand on my butt.

"Hey excuse me!" I whisper shouted as soon as I turned around. Deep down I was expecting to see Noah or Xavier or Laz but what I didn't expect was that the person was a total stranger. I mean who grabs a stranger's butt?

"No apology needed. I would grab that ass anywhere. I mean a plump girl like you. I want a piece of that sweet, sweet oven. Come here." 

The stranger was a very built man who looked like he was in his late 30s. He had a harsh grip on my arm which I didn't like. I don't like being touched by strangers, who would?

"Please let go, sir." I asked politely. Always a lady you see. But something in the guys made me afraid. It looked like he was a pedophile who entered Disneyland for the first time.

"Oh, no need for the sir but if you like it kinky, you can call me daddy. Just let me get a taste of that sweet p*ssy." (I am generally not against cursing but it felt weird writing that word out.)

"Hey let go!" I full on screamed when the guy started sliding his finger on my thigh into my dress.

"Why should I? I know you want a taste of this baby maker. You don't have to lie to yourself. I will fuck you so hard you will never be able to walk again." This was not dirty talk. This was a rape allegation.

"I said let go!" I yelled before hitting the guy where the sun doesn't shine and running away from him but because of the dancing people, I couldn't get far before the guy grabbed me by my wrist.

"That just made me mad you whore!" He responded before slapping me. I fell on the ground and couldn't believe what was going on. Tears started coming out of my eyes. Why did nobody care? Where was Noah?

The guy reached down to grab me again and this time I was too shock to do anything against it. He lead me to the back where I thought was the kitchen. The stranger opened a door to a bedroom and threw me on the bed.

"Please! I don't want this! Please, stop!" I screamed. The guy didn't even have the decency to answer me when he reached down and ripped open the decollete part of my dress. I was so embarrassed. Where was Noah? What did this man n from me? Why me? What would Noah think of me? What would I think of myself? These questions were running through my mind like little marathon runners. I tried pushing the guy off of me but he was just too big for me. I tried to fight but the guy kept sucking on my neck. I DIDN'T WANT THIS!

"Stop!", I kept screamed but I knew that there was nothing I could do, so I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see this.

I was crying so hard when the guy pulled off my underwear that I didn't even notice the door open. I just kept screaming and screaming but then all of a sudden the guy was pulled off of me and was laying on the floor. The shadow kept hitting the guy. Once. Twice. Three times. He just kept going until I screamed Stop. The figure was Xavier. 

He came over to the bed where I was laying. I tried to cover up my upper body where my bra was exposed. I pulled my underwear back on. 

Xavier looked so furious. I had never ever seen him this angry. I think he was about to blow up. "Are you okay?" He questioned while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "This that son of  a bitch do anything to you?"

"No. You were just on time. Can we just go home? I just want to forget this night."

"Come on wear this." He pulled off his gray sweater and gave it to me. I pulled it over my head and was hit with the sweet smell of Xavier. In that moment I realized that I liked the smell of Xavier. It calmed me.

Xavier brought me to Laz's car in which we came to the party. He assisted me to the passenger side and told me to get comfortable and that he would be back in two minutes.

As promised Xavier was back with a Noah. They were both carrying a very drunk Laz. I couldn't hear what Xavier was saying to Noah but I did see that Noah had his jaw clenched which meant that he was angry. They put Laz in the backseat with Noah and Xavier started the car. I was so broken from what had just happened that I started to drift into a deep sleep. Or maybe I passed out because I was so shattered.

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