CHAPTER 10- The Shower

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(The picture is Noah again. I know they are in the shower and not the bathtub but he is just too cute not to post)

(P.S. Steamy chapter up ahead. Kids look away. Teens/Youngsters be aware.)

(P.P.S. Can't believe we have reached CHAPTER 10)

After about 3 hours and a lot of shots, the dares got even dirtier and the number of shots got even more.

This was Xavier talking right now "So Briella it's youuur turn now and I" He said pointing at him "dare you" he said pointing at me " to..... get into a shower with all of your clothes on." He said before giggling like a little school girl. When he got drunk his accent came out even more so than normal.

"Ohhhhh nooooo I can't," I answered laughing. Laz had passed out a long time ago. He was now laying down on the floor with a lot of permanent marker drawings on his face. And Xavier was close as well.

"Then that will be 13 shots."

"Noooo you can't do that."

"Ohhhh but I will belieeeeve me." 

Noah was looking back and forth between me and Xavier and looked confused. I think he was the soberest one between us although he was quite drunk as well.

"Okay then," I said standing up and all of a sudden Xavier's eyes closed. "I guess I won't have to do it anymore."

"Oh nooo, you still have to. I'm still here and I want to see you all wet, sexy lady." Damn, he was dirty when he was drunk.

Without saying a word I made my way over to the bathroom and looked at me to see Noah leaning against the doorframe. He was watching me very concentrated. Almost as if I was a deer and he was the lion. I opened the shower and waited until it was a little warmer.

"So you don't want me to?" I asked confused. He looked confused so maybe he didn't want this.

"Like hell, I don't," Noah answered before very slowly pushing me into the shower and coming in with me. Before I could ask him why he was also getting in the shower he crashed his lips onto mine. This kiss was different. It was urgent like he had thought about this the whole night. Like he wanted this since the day he saw me. Like this was meant to be. First, his hands were in my wet hair and then in my back and under my shirt. He stopped for a second and took out his pants. Then continued to kiss me he touched my boobs really carefully and I'm not using the word breasts because that sounds too dirty. We weren't that dirty. Not yet. He kissed and kissed and kissed until he made his way down to my neck. Noah kept sucking and sucking. It hurt a little bit but the pleasure was so worth it. And I kissed him. My hands traveling down his very defined abs. The shower kept hitting us until I pulled back. I don't know for how long we had been in the shower for but we were getting dirtier rather than cleaner. 

"We should stop before things get too serious."

Noah looked at me and I could see the lust in his eyes. "I would take you right here and right fucking now but I will respect your wishes."

He looked me up and down and added: "You should really change because I can see the outline of basically everything and it is making things so much harder." I laughed and he added again "I mean it in both ways." And then I saw it. Right between his beautiful legs, his soldier was standing guard.

"Oh sorry," I said looking at the floor and probably blushing. The shower had woken me up or maybe it was the makeout session Noah and I just had. He handed me a towel and got one for himself.

Noah leads me to his room and his room was very dark. His bedroom walls were colored really dark red like a dark blood red. It was very messy but the furniture was basic. A bed, a closet and a two-person couch in the corner. He made his way over to the closet and picked up a shirt before throwing it at me. 

"I would give you underwear but yours should still be dry. Maybe the only thing on you including you, that is still dry."

What was it with him and making me blush. I made my way over to the bathroom and took my clothes out from where I hid them. To be honest I didn't trust the boys and my underwear. I got dressed and was satisfied with myself that his shirt fitted me and was even a little bit big. Just a little bit but still.

I made my way over to his bed and saw that Noah was already in his boxer shorts laying on his bed. He had his right hand at the back of his head. I laid next to him or more like on him because most of my upper body including my boobs were on his chest. I put my head right where his heart was and heard his heart beating.

"Your heart's beating all funny," I stated

"It's because I'm laying next to a sexy lady like you and I can't control myself. Although I'm really trying." I could see that Noah was smirking so I kissed the corner of his beautiful lips.

"Let's go to sleep," I said and closed my eyes and before I knew it I was drifting into a deep sleep. So I smiled knowing that for the first time in a long time I felt really safe.

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