CHAPTER 24- The Way Back Home

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Talking to my father made me really think about our relationship. Why wasn't I offended that Noah was in a gang but I totally despised the idea of my dad leading one? Maybe I was a little bit too harsh on him. But did I really want a gang? I am NOT ready. I am 16 for god's sake.

I have to forget about all of this. Today is Noah's birthday and I have planned something special. I was going to give Noah the show he always wanted.

It had been about a few hours since we were back in New York. I had put all of my stuff back, gone to school and was back home now. You should have seen the look on Amanda's face when Lazzaros dropped me off at school today. You see they used to date and he duped her. She hadn't seen him since and as soon as she saw him, she made her way over to us. Lazzaros who clearly wasn't into her anymore didn't want her to act clingy so he put his arm around my shoulders.

Interestingly enough Lazzaros didn't have a problem with my weight. This might sound weird but mostly I don't like guys hugging me because you know I'm big and it doesn't look like it does in the movies when someone hugs me. Their arms don't wrap themselves around me quite like it should but it was nice like a brotherly hug. Nothing like when Noah hugs me but still. And I mean seeing Amanda's angry red face is enough, to be honest.

Earlier today I had talked to Xavier and Lazzaros and they had agreed to give me Noah tonight. They had planned to take him out this afternoon and bring him back around 8. Whereas Davian, Sofia, and Tommy spend time with him while I was at school.

So here I was at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at a Victoria's Secret store. I entered. The gateway to hell. I had never been in one of these although my mom always tried. I though why even try looking sexy when I'm this fat but Noah has made me realize that he wants me no matter want.

I got a black thong and bra that matched. And yes they were both black...lace. At first, I was like so much skin. So much tummy but then I was like Noah has already seen me naked and he didn't mind so... here goes nothing.

And before I knew it, it was 9 o'clock at night. I was starting to get anxious, so I texted Laz.

'Where the hell are you guys? I mean-WHERE THE HELL IS NOAH. AND DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME YOU LOST HIM'

Lazzaros texted back instantly:

'Don't worry we're on our way back. AND DON'T YOU WRITE TO ME IN ALL CAPS.'


It was Xavier who texted me next.

'Laz said we can't come home. Why? We're drunk and need food.'

'Xavier. DO you remember when I was getting out of the shower and we crashed into each other? YEAH, I have even fewer clothes on right now so please DON'T come in.'

'Point taken.' Was all I got back and surely enough about 10 minutes later I heard the front door open I was sitting on the couch trying to get ready for what was about to happen. Noah entered and instantly saw that I had a french coat on. My natural brown curly were messy and I had a smokey eye make-up look (thanks to a YouTube tutorial I had watched a few hours earlier). The lights were dim and on the coffee table in front of the couch stood a lot of props. Props like chocolate syrup and strawberries and whipped cream. Ehm.. ehm.. those ideas were thanks to a magazine called 'Cosmopolitan'. Don't judge I read it for the articles (in case you didn't get that said every Playboy buyer EVER).

"Wow you look sexy" Noah commented. I knew that he was a little drunk because he kept rubbing his eyes to check if this was real.

I tried my best impression of a porn voice which I had mastered thanks to the pizza delivery man incident and said: "You don't have to rub your eyes to check if I'm real. You can just come here and rub something else." Dirty I know but I'm going to hell anyways for having sex before marriage so screw it.

He stepped close and like an impulse his hand was in my hair and my face in his hand. He kissed me and I knew that this wasn't going to be sweet like the first time we had done it. He was hungry and maybe just a little bit so was I. I mean I am a teenager with a freakishly hot boyfriend after all. His tongue was always so dominant but I always fought to win. Again I lost. But I had Noah so I was okay.

Pulling away he screamed;"Oh shit! It's real! Thank you, god. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" which made me laugh so hard.

"You stupid boy god isn't the one you should be thanking. It should be me. After all who is the one you're about to have sex with?"

Looking into my eyes. I saw something in his eyes I thought I would never get from a man. Lust.

"Briella I should warn you that the first time we did this I was very careful but this time I can't. I need you too much and I'm a little drunk. I don't want to hurt you but I might."

"Noah I'm not a child anymore and I don't want you to hold back. I want this, you 20-year-old grown ass man. I need this", and I opened the french coat, exposing my matching black lace bra and thong.

And as soon as I opened the coat, Noah grabbed the coat and ripped it from my body. Throwing it onto the floor, he wrapped his arms around me. Now it was my time to show dominance, so I don' know what came over me but I ripped his shirt from his body and soon we were both in our underwear.

Noah was hungry. He was hungry for my lips. Kissing me over and over again. Soon he got distracted from my lips and made his way over to my neck. He sucked and sucked and sucked and I knew that I would look like I had been abused in the morning. And in that moment I had an amazing idea. Without letting Noah know, I grabbed the chocolate syrup on the table with my left hand and brought it to my neck. I dripped a little bit of it on a spot right above my boobs and let it drip down. Noah noticed this and started licking me again over and over and over. Soon Noah got bothered by my bra and took it off. Then he grabbed the bottle from my hands and brought it to right between my boobs. He kissed and he licked and I loved it. The feeling, the tingles it was all I ever wanted. Someone loving me for me. And to make this moment even better Noah stopped, looked at me and whispered: "I fucking love you." I couldn't control myself anymore so I turned him around and pushed him onto the couch. For the first time, the couch was the most comfortable thing ever. I was on top of Noah, kissing every inch of his amazing body when I noticed something tucking at the inner of my thigh. Again Noah's soldier was standing guard. I was used to it by now, sharing a bed and all. Last thing I remember I was on top of Noah who was reaching for the whipped cream can and the box of condoms.


Very short Authors comment. I don't do a lot of these because I personally don't like them that much but I didn't want to make the sex scene so graphic considering that some of my reads are quite young. Comment and Vote. Lots of love, your author!

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