CHAPTER 32- The Last One

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(Briella {Ashley Graham} just looks do mature in this picture.)

As you have guessed I was quite shocked by Xavier's letter but it has been a couple of months now, eight to be exact and Noah and I have officially moved into our own apartment. At first, Laz was sad that he would have to live alone but as it turns out Alice's little brother, Alex was also looking for a new place to live so it worked out great. The bachelor pad lives on!

"Stop it!" I whisper-shouted to Noah who was staring at my ass. We now lived on the second floor of an apartment inside of New York. The rent was quite a lot but Noah took his tattoo art to Social Media and now he has his own fanbase. To say that I was proud would be an understatement. My husband was a successful tattoo artist and I was a psychology student at Columbia University. And Noah even signed up for some late night classes at a community college. He said that he wanted to get a degree in art history so that he can show our babies that he is and I quote "as capable of being a dad as I was from the begging". Chessy I know but that earned him a few bonus points in my book.

As we reached the apartment I put the groceries on the floor to get my key out of my bag.

"Stop staring at my butt Noah." I just know when he's looking.

He had the decency to put his hand on my butt while I was leaning forward. "I just can't stop myself around you sexy, sexy baby mamma." As you have probably guessed that was his new nickname for me. But don't panic! I AM NOT PREGNANT! Sorry for the yelling but everyone just assumes that I am because I got married so quickly. I have distant acquaintances coming up to me and asking how my trimesters are going. It is starting to get freaking annoying. I am not sure at least. I mean you can't trust the do-it-yourself home tests. You can't be sure until you go to the doctor, right? At least that's what I wanted to believe. Maybe if I  say it a lot it will come true. I mean I always wanted kids but I don't know how Noah will react.

But all in all, I was happy. I told my father that I would not run his gang and that I wanted nothing to do with him or his life anymore. At first, he seemed taken aback but then he said that he was truly sorry for all his mistakes and that I deserved the best with Noah. He also said that he would make it up to me so that he could meet "his only grandchildren". And yes even my family assumed I was pregnant. So that's where I am right now. Oh and I almost forgot I found out from Alice that Xavier is indeed in another country. Apparently, he was living in Rome now with a beautiful, brown haired Cuban lady. Alice even showed me a picture and I was so happy for them. They looked perfect together. I can only hope that they will have as much love as Noah and I have.

We entered the apartment and I put the groceries on the floor.

"Honey, could you grab my bag from the door?" I asked Noah. And he did as told. Noah put my bag on the counter but somehow what some people call gravity or in my opinion, the universes sick way of messing with me pulled my bag down and only one thing fell out.

"Briella, what the hell is that?" Noah asked pointing at the stick on the floor. He picked it up. Holding it on the wrong side.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you. That is the side I peed on." I whispered looking down.

"Wait what does two lines mean? Does it mean what I think? Am I gonna be a dad? Are you pregnant."

I couldn't get myself to answer so I just nodded. I didn't know how he would react. In my personal opinion, it wasn't my fault that I was pregnant. All these people telling me I was pregnant, now that is where the problem started. They wanted me pregnant! I swear to god!

Before I knew what was going on two arms wrapped themselves around me and I was lifted off from the floor. " I can't believe this!" Noah screamed from the top of his lungs and with a huge smile on his face.

"Wait, so you're not freaking out?" I was more shocked that he was happy, to be honest. I expected him to get mad and scream at me about how we couldn't afford a baby right now.

"Of course not. I always said that I wanted your babies and now this is really happening."

"But how will we take care of it? During the day I have school and you have work."

"Well some days my mom will take care of it, some days I'll take later shifts and some days I'll just bring our beautiful baby to the shop."

"Hahaha, you're funny if you think that I'll let my baby hang out in a tattoo parlor."

"Briella, what matters is that this is a blessing. WE ARE PREGNANT! I LOVE YOU, MY NOW ACTUAL SEXY, SEXY BABY MAMMA."

"I love you too, my sexy, sexy baby daddy," I whispered into his ears.

And so our family became three.

Then four.

And then five. And we truly lived happily ever after....


Guys that was the end of Me between The Gang. Thank you all for the love and kind comments. Please keep them coming. And who knows maybe if you guys demand I'll do a sequel with Xavier's story. Love you all. I'm honestly crying writing this last Chapter I feel like this the last episode of friends.

Bye, my lovelies...

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