CHAPTER 17- The Truth revealed

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"Dad?" I asked my mind racing to a billion question. For starters: How? When? And most importantly WHY?!

"Yes, sweetheart. It's me." My dad A.K.A. the gang leader answered while walking in. I didn't now how to act. He was my father after all so I shouldn't be scared right?

Frankly, I just needed Noah right now. I wanted to hug him and smell him and feel his heart beat next to mine.

"W...w...what?" I asked dumb folded.

"Briella I don't know how to tell you this but I'm not just a lawyer. I know this is hard to hear. I have been running this business on the down low for quite some time now."

"How could you? All those nights I thought you were defending innocent people and now I see that you are one of the bad guys. I..I can't believe this."

"You don't know anything!" he snapped, "do you know how hard it is to always see the bad guys win? To see them always succeed in life? Always make more money than you when you work three times as hard? So I decided that I also wanted to be a bad guy. I mean I'm still a lawyer but now I make more money. And I am not the problem here little miss. How the hell do you know Noah, Alex, Alejandro, Davian, and Lazarus?"

"That is not the problem here and why would you care? It's not like you care who the good guys are considering you are not one of the good guys."

"Oh don't you bring that attitude to me." My dad shoot back taking a step closer to me. Now I noticed that behind him someone entered the room. I just knew that that person was Noah. I just felt so at ease when I was in his presence.

"Oh then who should I bring it to, dad?" I said before I made my way over to Noah. I stopped in front of him and I felt the tears build up in the corners of my eyes. Instantly he knew that I needed a hug and he wrapped his arms tightly around me. I hugged him back and taking in his scent I felt at home.

Noah whispered something in my ear but I couldn't make out what it was but next thing I knew Noah was guiding me out the house. I couldn't make out all the rooms since my head was buried in Noah's chest but I knew that we were going up the stairs. I also heard my dad yell after me but I ignored him.

As soon as we were out the house and next to Noah's motorcycle, Noah took my face into his gentle hands and kissed me so passionately. He made me feel a billion things just now. I was no longer crying and I was just craving him. To top that off with a cherry he said

"Don't you cry my princessa. I love you and I can't see you in tears."

That made me cry even harder though because for the first time in a long time I was so happy although my life was crap right now I had Noah. All I needed was Noah.

"I love you too. I can't even tell you how much I love you. You are the only thing in my life that makes me happy. Makes me feel wanted. I love you soo soo much Noah."

I could feel the joy in his eyes. He answered me with his lips. Noah's right hand made his way onto my butt and my hands made their way into his hair. My tongue was asking for permission and I gave it to him. I heard him give out a tiny moan against my lips and having that power over someone made me feel so good. It was all like a dream come true until someone cleared their throat behind me.

Before I knew what was going on I turned around and came crashing into someone's chest. What was it with today and people showing out of nowhere? It was Davian.

"Hey sorry for interrupting but I was worried about you" Davian said looking at me and then he noticed how weird it was. He caring about me so he added. "I mean you guys ran out of there in quite a hurry." He finished.

Noah looked a little confused but went with it. "Yeah, we're okay. Briella was a shaken up a bit but she is a tough cookie. No one can hurt her. Believe me, I wouldn't let anyone and I mean anyone hurt her." What I saw in Noah's eyes surprised me. I saw fury.

"Yeah, I'm okay. You guy don't need to worry about me. I mean my dad being a gang leader. Totally the norm right?" Ahhh sarcasm the best cure for pain. "Whatever do you guys mind if we go to Tamy's now? I want to get drunk." I stated truthfully.

Noah was first to answer with a very enthusiastic "Sure whatever you want to do princessa."

"Princessa? Isn't that a little bit cliché?" Davian said laughing really loud.

"Lucky for you, it is none of your business." I snapped. Then a smiling Noah handed me a helmet and I went onto his bike. Driving of onto the streets of New York.

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