CHAPTER 14- The Family

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(The picture is Sofia. Imagine her a little bit chubbier though)

I was still so upset about Amanda that I didn't notice that Noah had stopped in front of an apartment. I had never seen this part of town in personal. It was very different from what I was used to seeing in my bubble. The apartment building was quite big. With a confused look, I asked Noah where we were. He had the best response ever. 

Noah was still leaning against his motorcycle when he pulled me between his legs and yes it looked natural although I'm on the chubby side of female life. Anyway, he answered "You are my girl and I wanted you to meet my family. This is my house or at least it used to be my house. You know now that I live with Laz and Xavier, my mom and my little brother live here alone. My last name is Romero. My favorite color is black. Although black is not a color and I have two brothers. One is younger, the one who lives here. His name is Tom but everyone calls him Tommy and you know my older brother."

"Oh, I do? Is he one of the bikers that hang out at Tamy's?"

"No. Well yes, but you know him a little bit better than that."

"Okay. Who? Just tell me pleeeease" I looked through my eyelashes.


"No freaking way. No wonder he hates me. We were all over each other at the poker night. He must think I'm easy. He must think I'm a bad person and that the only thing I do is sleep with you. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked lightly slapping his forearm.

"It just never came up."

"Really your answer is: It never came up."

"Yeah I mean it wasn't that important. Anyway, come on let's go in. I think my ma' cooked us late lunch."

"How would she know that we were coming?" Oh, that boy.

"I may have called her and said that I was bringing someone special home after I got your call. I just wanted you to know more about me. Maybe then you'll show me more about you and not in a sexual way but maybe just like see the inside of your house. Besides your bedroom of course." Noah winked at me and again I had butterflies in my stomach. He wanted me to meet his family. He was opening up. Although I still didn't know about his gang life I would at least get to know his home life.

We entered the apartment and on the third floor, Noah got out some keys and opened the front door.

"Ma' we're here."

I saw a figure make its way over to us. She kept screaming something. It was weird. What if Noah's mom was crazy? I think I would still like him.

As soon as Noah's mom saw me I noticed that her eyes sparkled. She was a full-figured woman just like me. Maybe a couple of inches shorter though. She came up to Noah and hugged him in a very tight embrace.

"Oh my god, Noah. She is perfect. Hello, my name is Sofia and I'm delighted to meet you." Sofia had a slight accent when she spoke but it didn't bother me that much I mean my mom had one too. She looked Hispanic and her shiny brown hair and green eyes were beautiful.

"Hello, Mrs. Romero. It's so nice to meet you. I'm Briella'

"Oh please call me Sofia. I'm not that old yet. Would you two like to sit down I was just preparing lunch?"

We made our way over to the kitchen. The house was homier than I have ever seen a house be. I mean our house was big but it was never warm. It didn't make people feel welcome. It impressed my mom's friends and my dad's colleagues.

"You have a lovely home Sofia," I noted sweetly.

"Oh my. Thank you, sweety. Noah, you have scored pretty good with this one. So what are you guys?"

The question every girl thinks about: What are we? The only thing I didn't expect was Noah's mom asking this question for us. I was so shocked I probably turned 50 shades of red. Get it? 50 shades of gray? 

Noah who didn't seem to notice my hesitation turned to his mother and as fast as a gun said.

"She is my lady."

"My lady? What are you a 70-year-old grandpa from Texas? Please don't tell me you haven't told this beautiful woman that you love her. OH NOAH. Haven't I taught you anything? You obviously love her then tell her you, stupid boy."

"Mom you're making this really awkward for us. How about we talk about this later? And by we I mean Briella and I. Not my girlfriend, me, and my mom."

"Okay, I was just trying to help. You obviously don't have the courage to ask her." 

"Okay, mom. Whatever. Where is Tommy?"

"Where do you think? Upstairs in his room of course." Noah disappeared in the house.

Sofia turned to me and whispered. "He will be gone a long time. He hasn't been home in almost two months. They need some 'bro time' as they call it." Then she turned around and started putting something in the oven.

"Uhh, Sofia do you need anything because I would be more than happy to help." And I actually meant it.

"No sweety it's all done now but can you grab that tray. I prepared some coffee for us. We too need a little bit of one on one time. I mean I have to get to know the first girl Noah has brought home, don't I?"

"I am the first girl Noah has brought home?" I was very shocked. Noah was definitely a looker and I was the first girl he brought home? Me? The chubby rich girl? The Furg?

She made her way over to the door and soon we were standing in their living room.

"Sit down sweety and of course, you're the first girl he has brought home. I mean Noah was always a closed book. Maybe he had some girlfriends but he never brought them home. I guess he never thought they were good enough to meet me. Not that I'm judgy but Noah never likes girls enough to let me meet them. So Briella, do you like my boy?"

"Ehmm yes of course I like Noah. Your son has done me more good than he realizes. He has changed me for the better and he has made me extremely furious but I still wouldn't change anything about us. I just hope I won't get hurt." I added in a hushed tone while looking at my hands. I had totally forgotten that I was talking to Noah's mom. What am I thinking?

"I'm so sorry for a second I forgot you are Noah's mom. I'm sorry." I added quickly.

"Oh no don't be. My Noah can be a handful but believe me, once he likes something or someone it's hard for him to let go. To be honest I just hope you won't break his heart. He might be a little bit difficult but if you bare with him you will see that he is not a bad kid. Just try to understand him. My boy has had a rough life and he just needs someone who is willing to look past that and for me, you seem like that person." Sofia had the most sweetest and sincere motherly smile. 

"I will try my best." I was able to say before two very loud people entered as if on cue.

Tommy was so much like a younger Noah it shocked me. His first move was to stretch out his hand and say "Hello I'm Tommy, Noah's younger brother and you must be Briella. I have heard so much about you from both of my brothers."

I was turning red and Sofia looked confused so Tommy explained himself "Mom you don't know? This is the girl that won against Davian at poker."

I was expecting something way worse so that statement was like a little present.

Sofia looked rather amused "You are the girl? That explains sooo much. That's why Noah likes you that much. No one has ever won against Davian and especially not at poker. That is Davian's game. Oh now I like you even more. I might even say I love you, you see Noah this is how you tell a girl you love them, take notes stupid boy." She laughed hitting the back of Noah's head.

"Come on now, lunch is ready."

Sofia announced before walking in the kitchen with a big smile on her lips.

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