CHAPTER 3- The Morning After

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I woke up with the soft touch of Gloria's hands on my forehead. I snapped my eyes open and saw her looking down on me with concern in her eyes. I noticed that the light outside was daytime. What happened? Was it all a dream? 

"Gloria, what time is it?" She looked at the clock on my bedside.

"It's 10:30 Miss. Your mother said that you wouldn't be attending school today considering the events of yesterday." I knew it. I was screwed they noticed that I wasn't in bed and now my family hates me. Gloria must have seen the worried look on my face because she added: "It is a tragedy that those wicked kids chose you to rob, Miss. But don't you worry I will make sure that today will be fabulous Briella." Her voice was soft as a mother's voice. She was talking about the Park.

"Oh, it's fine really. Just some stupid teenagers. Gloria, could you give me a moment to get dressed?"

"Sure Miss. I came here to inform you that breakfast was ready. Your mom went shopping and your dad had to fly to Boston for an emergency." All of my father's cases were emergencies. "But he told me that he would be back tonight and that I should kiss you for him." Gloria leaned against my forehead and a soft kiss landed on it.

"I'll be down in a minute."

As soon as Gloria left the room I got up and went into my closet. The clothes I wore last night were laying on the floor. I picked the clothes up to put them back into there place when all of a sudden a piece of paper fell on the floor. There was one sentence written on it but it was more than enough to make me smile. It wasn't even a sentence really. Just some words put together.

'The Central Park. Our place. 11 a.m. Don't be late princesa." Noah. I thought to myself. He sure is something special. Wait, 11? That is like in half an hour. It takes fifteen minutes to get there. Darn it! I picked up the first jeggings I found and a T-shirt that says 'Don't talk to me unless you have coffee.' on the front. Too hipster I know but I didn't really have time now did I. I ran downstairs and grabbed an apple and a tiny bottle of orange juice from the counter. I never skip breakfast. Today wasn't an exception. I ran outside and I didn't even need to call Martin. He was already waiting for me. Well, he was always waiting for me. I got into the black Jeep that my father bought for me to use and Martin followed my actions.

"Pumpkin where are we going? Your mother told me that you weren't going to school today."

"Yeah I know Marti but I have to go to Central Park. I... uh need to go shopping. There is a store I saw the other day and I just NEED new clothes." I pronounced the word need so that he would drive faster.

"You're the boss." He replied before he stepped on the gas pedal. 

I looked at my phone. It was 10: 56. We were close but we still hadn't arrived. After a few minutes without the car moving my impatience took over and I told Martin that I could walk the rest of the way. He insisted on driving me but I refused. After all, I was the boss. Which I hated.

I ran the rest of the way and soon enough I saw Noah. To my surprise this time he was alone. 

"I thought maybe you didn't find the note or worse maybe you'd ditched me." He said almost angry.

"Sorry didn't really get to sleep last night. You see there is this guy he first robbed me and then kidnapped me so I was busy trying to bury him alive but he escaped. Trust me you do not want to lose a victim in New York City."

He smirked. "I have some experience in that department." What was he trying to say? Did he kill someone? It was too early to ask these kinds of questions so I tried to change the subject.

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