CHAPTER 18- The Drunk Again

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(Another picture of Noah to bless your eyes)

Entering Tamy's Church was like second nature. I went in and as soon as I was in the door Alice came and hugged me. I could smell the alcohol on her breath.

"I want to get drunk!" I screamed to Tamy who was behind the bar.

"I got you covered girl!" She screamed back and handed me 10 shots on the bar. I sat down and chucked down 5 shots in 50 seconds. Davian and Noah sat down next to me. Davian who was on my right looked at me as confused as ever and right at that moment Noah's phone rang. He picked up: " mean right now?...No, it's no problem. Davian's also here want me to take him with me?...oh okay."

Soon after Noah left me with Alice and Davian. Davian was mostly quiet while Alice and I got drunk off our asses and I mean DRUNK. I couldn't see straight and I had a hiccup. Right as I was about to pass out on the bar, Alejandro came and took Alice who was drunk but not as drunk as me. Nowhere near. Davian looked at me and gave me half smile, saying: "Come on beautiful. Let's get you home."

"Noooooo" I said clinging onto his muscular arm." I want to stay. Pleaseeee let me."

"No. There is no way. Noah would kill me and they are closing soon. It is 4 A.M."

4 A.M.? Although I was drunk off my ass I knew that it was really late. My parents will kill me, I thought. Then added the thought that my dad could actually have me killed and for some reason giggled to myself.

"What are you smiling to yourself about?" Davian questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"Nothing but Davian do we have to go home? I mean right now home is the last place I want to be."

"Okay, where do you want to go?"

"I have a brilliant idea," I said obviously it was a bad idea but I was so drunk I didn't care. I tried standing up from the bar stool and I tripped, falling onto the floor. Davian first panicked and then picked me up. HE PICKED ME UP AND FLUNG ME OVER HIS SHOULDER. Do you know how freaking strong he has to be for that? I mean no one has been ever able to do that. I weight quite a lot. I couldn't believe my eyes. He picked me up with ease and was now carrying me over his shoulder to a big black jeep. I guess that was his car because he opened the front door seat and put me down. Maybe Davian was the son of the hulk because that would be the only explanation.

I looked at Davian shocked "You just picked me up?! How?" I was the one confused now.

"Yeah, I just picked you up? What is the big deal?" He was also confused. Okay, he was definitely blind. Definitely.

"The big deal is that I'm big! I'm the FURG. No one has ever picked me up." I admitted shyly.

He shrugged and said "No you are not. I guess no one every cared enough for you." And I could swear he winked at me. I giggled and remembered of my crazy idea.

"Get in the car, Davian. We are going somewhere."

"I love it when you take charge." Davian chuckled before getting in the car himself.

After getting me water for the alcohol level in my blood Davian stopped the car at our destination. As soon as we entered the tattoo parlor Adam greeted me with a big hug. I had missed this place.

"I missed you Bri. Where have ou been so long? I mean Noah never really shuts up about you when he shows up for his tattoos but I never see you so I just assumed you had dumped him and he had PTSD or something. You have him really whipped you know that?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah sureeee" I tried saying but I was still very much drunk so Adam noticed and as soon as I mentioned me wanting to get a tattoo he flipped his old phone open and called Noah.

Davian was pretty pissed since he was turning red but within 15 minutes Noah came through the door and came to my side. He hugged me fast into his chest and I felt his heart beating fast. He must have run here all the way. I loved him so much.

"What the hell are you doing princessa?"

"I want to get a tattoo but Adam won't let meee."

"And thank god for that." He kissed the top of my head and turned to look at Davian.

"What the fuck man?! You were supposed to keep an eye on her not help her get a tattoo and regret it in the morning."

"I don't care man. I'm going home. This is all you." Davian said pointing at me. His attitude change in a second, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Anyway, Davian left and Noah wanted for us to leave too but I insisted that I was okay. I knew that I wasn't drunk anymore. Sure I was a little buzzed but I had control over myself again. I always wanted a tattoo and now I was sure of what I wanted. I loved Noah so much I wanted an 'N' behind my ear. Even if we broke up Noah was the first to teach me that someone could love me. That someone being me.

"I still want to get a tattoo,"I explained. After about an hour of discussing this with Noah who by the way didn't want me get a tattoo, he didn't even ask me what I wanted.

At last Adam kicked Noah out saying that if I was able to argue with Noah for an hour I was capable of getting a tattoo. I told Adam about the tattoo I wanted to get and although he wasn't so sure about it, he still did it. It hurt so much but it was worth it. Noah was the one I loved. If we broke up I'd still be happy to have had these few months with him.

I thought after learning that my dad was a gang leader nothing could surprise me but I was not ready for Noah did when he saw the tattoo.

We were inside the tattoo parlor and I could see tears in his eyes. It wasn't like he was sobbing or anything but I swear I saw tears.

"I love you so much Briella Rose Adams and I can't imagine my life without you. I can't believe that you got a tattoo for me. I love you so much I can't describe it. You are my one. My only and someday I am sure I am going to have your babies. I want to have so many children with you and I know that we just started dating and we have only known each other for a couple of weeks but I just know that you are the one."

I was starting to panic if Noah proposed I don't know if I would say yes. I mean I was only 16. Okay, I would definitely consider it. Probably say no but think about it.

"I can see that you're freaking out but no I'm not proposing you dufus. I love you but you're too young and I'm pretty sure that your parents wouldn't allow me. I am simply asking you to move in with us. I mean Lazarus and Xavier are cool about it. I talked to them about a week ago and they are cool with it. Luckily we will be sharing a room. I already bought a queen size bed and a new closet. What do you say?"

Noah had so much hope in his eyes and there was really only one answer.

"I love you so yes. I would love nothing more than to live with an idiot like you."

And before I knew what was going on we were making out on the tattoo chair.

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