CHAPTER 12- The Poker Game

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(The picture is Davian)

It was the time of truth. 6 PM. Everyone was here. Xavier, Laz, Noah, Alex and this guy Davian that I met once. Of course Laz had to invite other people but why couldn't he have invited more girls? Or any other girl? I didn't want to be alone but luckly Alejandro and Alice were supposed to meet up with us soon but they said they might be late because they were 'busy'.

I grabbed the guacamole bowl and made my way over to the living room. The guys had taken out the chairs and instead put a pop up poker table. It was big enough for about 8 people. I looked around everyone was already seated so I asked

"Does anyone want anything from the kitchen? Beer maybe? I'm going to grab myself some soda."

Noah who was sitting on my right sneaked one of his hands on my butt and slapped it hard. I could feel the burn through my jeggings and as a reaction I slapped the back of his head.

"Stupid, stupid boy. Do you want anything?"

"Yes beer please." He gave me the puppy eyes.

Before I could leave Xavier, Laz and Alex all wanted beers as well and because I was raised right I asked Davian whether he wanted one as well. He didn't even have the decency to answer me so I just made my way over to the kitchen.

What the hell was wrong with that dude? He was ignoring me since the first time he met me. I might not be perfect but I didn't do him any wrong. I deserved some respect.

I grabbed four beers and a soda for me. Having to carry so many drinks was kind of difficult but I managed to clam them between my arm and my upper body. As soon as I made my way over to the 'poker zone' Noah lent me a hand.

"BE careful sexy lady we don't want you covered in beer in front of all these guys." Then he leaned into me and whispered "you can get as wet as you want tonight when we you are laying in my arms".

"Oh stop it you freak" I answered passing around all the drinks and before I knew it the game started.

After about two hours of playing the situation was really weird. Alex only had his underwear left when he quit about an hour ago, Xavier and Laz still had their boxer shorts and Noah had lost his pants whereas Devian and I were still fully clothed.

I can't lie Davian was really good at poker. His face was naturally emotionless and it was a big plus at this game. I couldn't read him but at the same time because I was always so happy he didn't know how to read me either. It was getting a little bit boring to be honest. Right now Noah had lost his shirt and new cards had been given out.

I tried to stay calm but for the first time I had a Royal Flush. In case you didn't know Royal Flush is the best you can get. I was so excited you can't believe it. I looked around the table. To my right Noah looked confused, to my left Xavier was already out but he must have seen my cards because he was smirking at me like the devil.

Then Xavier announced that it was time to show our cards. This was it. The winner takes it all. I immediately looked at Davian. To my suprise he was also looking at me. Our eyes looked and for the first time I saw him smiling at me. The emotionless guy was SMILING.

He opened his hand and he had a straight flush. It was good not better than me but still good. Then Noah opened his hand and he had a full house which was again very good. And lastly it was my turn to show my cards.

As soon as I turned around the five cards in my hand everyone started cheering. Alex was going crazy, screaming 'She won against the master. She won against the MASTER!' while Xavier and Noah were both looking at me with an amused look on their faces. Davian looked mad. I mean if this was a cartoon fire would be coming out of his ears. I looked him straight into his eyes and said "Easiest game of my life." That made the boys freak out even more.

Alex stood up and ran to Davian telling him to get naked. There was something very satisfying about watching someone like Davian lose against a chubby chick like me. He never respected me and now he got what he deserved.

Quite frankly watching five guys with killer abs and in mostly boxer shorts (Alex was a briefs guy) sitting around a poker table looking like they just lost all of their dignity was very satisfying.

"Oh don't cry boys. It's not worth it. I was just lucky." I was trying to be modest.

They all looked at me suprised and everyone told me that 'I kicked some serious butt' but (that was on accident) of course Davian waited until everyone was quite and said in the most monotone voice "Beginners luck" I was beyond pissed now. How dare he?!

"You wanna go again, sore loser" Davian didn't answer so I added "That's what I thought" And with that I stood up, picked up a few of the empty beer bottles and went into the kitchen. I couldn't believe that dude. WHAT had I ever done to him?!

I was leaning against the counter when someone lightly touched me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw the last person I was expecting: Davian.

"Hey I'm sorry for being such a dick back there but let's just say I don't like to lose and you are the first person in a long time to win against me. And I mean a long time."

You could tell that someone had forced him to come talk to me but still it didn't seem like he was lying. I mean he seemded pretty sincere.

"It's okay. I suppose I may have overreacted a little bit. I just hate it when people assume I can't do something."

"Oh believe me you have proven us all wrong." Davian replied while turning around and leaving through the front door.

What a crazy night.

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