CHAPTER 11- The Hangover

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(The picture is Xavier)

If you think the drinking is hard then you've never had a hangover before. It was like 100 hammers slamming against my head or gigantic ants walking around my head. I woke up to the sunlight shining through an open window. Uhhh mornings. I turned around and to my surprise Noah was still asleep, one hand wrapped around my stomach. I tried to stand up really slowly and made my way over to the door.

Noah was a deep sleeper and so he didn't wake up. When I was downstairs I saw that Laz was now asleep on the couch and Xavier was nowhere to be found. And then I heard something fall down in the kitchen followed by a 'FUCK'. I guess he was trying to make breakfast.

As I entered the kitchen I saw that Xavier was cracking some eggs. He was making breakfast for us. How cute.

"Morning beautiful." Xavier whispered. I hadn't even noticed that he saw me.

"Good morning to you too. What'ca doing?"

"Saving the world nothin' big." He answered so casually. It was so unexpected I couldn't help but start laughing. I was laughing so hard I snorted a little bit.

"Cute laugh little piggy." I know that Xavier meant that in the best way possible but it just reminded me of the times Amanda called me a pig. So I couldn't help but let a few tears spill my eyes. It wasn't anything big just a few tears from the corners of my eyes. Xavier saw that I was a little bit down so he asked "Are you alright? was it something I said?"

"No it's just. It's stupid, forget it." I whispered into my chest.

"You can trust me. If it makes you feel bad then it does matter. Briella I want to know what's bothering you."

He was so sweet it made me smile a little bit. "It's just this girl. She makes fun of me because, how should I put this, my body type is different. I feel like a little baby telling you all of this like I'm telling a teacher she pulled at my hair." 

Again I smiled a little bit but it was a very sad smile. That's when I looked at Xavier. I expected him to pity me, maybe even give me one of those speeches 'it will get better in college' but he looked angry. Almost pissed even.

"Oh my god. Most of the time I'm against calling woman bitches but that bitch who the fuck does she think she is. You are perfect with all of your curves and no one has the right to change that. You know that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Anyone would be more than lucky to be with you and just because that snitch is jealous doesn't mean she has the right to call you names." 

His voice was so loud that soon the boys would wake up as well so I said "No it's okay. I don't listen to her anyway. At least not most of the time."

Xavier took one step closer to me and I looked at the floor feeling a little bit uncomfortable.

"You should never listen to them. You, Briella are beautiful." He was about to take one step closer when an alarm started beeping. It was like a World War siren. So loud I think my ears were starting to bleed.

"Oh SHIT." Xavier said and I noticed that the eggs were now burned and the siren was the fire alarm going off. Laz and Noah came rushing and saw that the eggs were burning. Laz opened the window and Noah made his way over to me and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

"Are you okay?" Noah asked coming really close to my ear.

"Yeah it's just so LOUD!" I screamed and before I could say loud the noise stopped so it was just me shouting me the word loud. Noah started laughing and Xavier looked confused at me before he started cracking up as well and soon Laz and I joined in.

After Xavier made new eggs we had our breakfast or more like lunch and started talking about what we were going to do for the rest of the day.

Noah was the first to suggest something "How about we have a party."

And I was the first to disagree "No I still have a huge hangover from yesterday. But I have an idea. Do you guys know how to play poker?" 

I saw how the guys faces lit up. And all at once as if on cue they said "Hell yeah we do!"

"Then what do you guys say about a poker night?" I mean it couldn't be bad. Most of the time I am awesome at poker.

"Hell yes!" was Noah's response "I like a girl who knows her way around a poker table."

"Sorry to disappoint chico but no. I actually suck at poker." It's easier to surprise someone when they are not expecting it.

"Well, that means we will be playing strip poker, my sexy lady." 

By now we had finished cleaning the kitchen and I made my way over to the couch. Sitting down I said "In your dreams maybe."

Noah had an evil smirk. "I think we should vote on the strip poker idea. I say yes. Laz?"

"I say hell yes. Xavier what about you?"

"I think so too but don't forget guys we are playing it as well so don't get too cocky." Xavier looked at me and I could tell that he knew I was lying about being bad at poker.

I looked at my phone screen. "It's 1 PM right now. Let's say the game starts at 6. Do you guys have poker chips and cards or do we have to go buy some?" I asked looking around.

They all had smirks on their faces and Noah spoke up "What do you think princesa?"

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