CHAPTER 26- The Fight

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(Cute picture of Noah because he messed up at the party and I feel bad.)

I woke up to screams. Now I'm sure that you can understand how pissed I was. I had just been assaulted on my birthday, passed out in the car and now being woken up by shouting. To be honest I wasn't pissed I was fucking furious. When I opened my eyes I saw that I was still in the car but Noah, Xavier, and Laz were nowhere to be found. I looked out to the house to see Noah and Xavier in the garden shouting at each other with a passed out Laz in the grass. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I wanted to kill them so bad. SO BAD...

I got out of the car and made my way over to them. I was still wearing Xavier's sweatshirt so the night cold didn't really bother me. I mean the cold never bothered me anyways! (what up Frozen reference).

"You don't deserve her!" Xavier screamed he was turning red. I want to say I had never seen him this angry but I had. Just a few minutes ago actually.

"Oh, and you do! Don't kid yourself, Xavier! You are not anything better than me. She is mine. Do you get that? She is fucking mine!"

"She is not yours to have. She is a human capable of making her own decisions. Noah, where the hell were you tonight, huh? Oh yeah while she was being attacked by that son of a bitch, you were under the same roof catching up with your pals from High School. Tell me Noah, do you see what's wrong in that picture? And I care a lot about her so I, too have a right to have a say in this. You are just not good enough for her, don't you see that, Noah."

I wanted to tell them I was there because I'm not stupid or naïve like everyone has told me all my life. It was obvious that they were talking about me. But I was frozen in place. I knew that it was not Noah's fault but deep down I wanted to be saved. No. I needed to be saved and Noah didn't come to my rescue.

"How the fuck could I have known! And don't you for a second assume that I don't feel guilty! I would have killed the guy if I had the chance and I'm very grateful that you were there but she is my girlfriend back off! I know what you want and NO. SHE'S MINE! " Noah screamed. How selfish could these two be? I was standing right next to them for the past couple of minutes and they still hadn't noticed me.

"HOW FUCKING SELFISH CAN YOU TWO BE! Do you even care about other people! Laz is laying on the floor and yet you two are here having a tea party. Can you two get over yourselves?"

"But Briella" Noah wanted to say something.

"Don't talk to me. I'm going up to the room."

I said and made my way passed them to the passed out Laz on the floor. "Come on Laz. Let's get you inside." I whispered and put his arm around my neck to pick him up. Noah and Xavier jumped to the opportunity to help but I whisper shouted a 'Got it' and they both backed off.

To my surprise, Laz was conscious and moved his legs so it was easier to lead the way. I brought him to his room and put him on his bed. Taking out his shoes I covered him with the comforter on the floor. Ohh I should really clean up this room. I made a mental note to not forget to do that.

I wanted to go to my room to get a fresh set of clothes but I couldn't hold it in anymore. I just ran into the bathroom and took out my clothes. I jumped into the shower as fast as I could which was hard with the tears running down my cheeks. I didn't want this. I didn't want that man touching me. I sat on the floor sobbing. Screaming. I was in such a rush that I didn't look the door. For the first time, I was happy to have left the bathroom door open.

Noah came in. I don't know what he must have thought, seeing me sitting in the shower balling my eyes out. Now what happened next.... was not sexual in any way but still it was the most naked I had felt. EVER.

Noah stepped INTO the shower, fully clothes may I add, hugged me and opened his legs for me to sit in between. He hugged me from behind and he started kissing my cheek. I started crying harder but I didn't know which was the water from the shower and which were my tears. Noah kept whispering 'It's going to be okay. I'm here now. It's going to be okay princessa.'

After I stopped crying Noah wrapped a towel around me and brought me to bed. He took my pajamas out the closet but I asked to borrow a short of his. I just needed to feel safe right now. I needed to feel loved right now.

He pulled the t-shirt over my head and before I could open my eyes again, he crashed his lips onto mine. Although I was still pissed I let it slide. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and kissed me passionately. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I broke off the kiss to further hide my face in the crook of his neck. Noah put me on the bed. From the corner of my eye I saw him change out of his wet clothes and put on new ones. After coming back into bed with me, he stroked my hair until I fell asleep. Cute move, I know.


Sorry for the authors note but I just wanted to get a quick feedback. Soooo Noah or Xavier?? Tell me in the comments and you dan always Direct Message me if you feel like it. And I don't mean like in a pedophile pray type of thing more like new ideas and stuff. :D Sorry for the lame smiley. I'm writing from my computer.

This is for the Noah Fans.

And this is for the Xavier crew

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And this is for the Xavier crew. (Seeing Gregg Sulkin shirtless is not fair I know)

 (Seeing Gregg Sulkin shirtless is not fair I know)

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