CHAPTER 8- The Waiting

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(The picture is Noah in BED)

It has been almost a week now since I saw Noah's house. And saw Noah. He never called me he only texted me once saying that he was sorry for ditching on me and that's it. I mean seriously did I do something wrong?

Now it was a Thursday night. Me sitting on my bed watching 'Don't trust the b**** in Apartment 23'. That show is so underappreciated. I can't help but laugh and laugh and laugh. So you can imagine my surprise when all of a sudden I hear a "You have a beautiful laugh" coming from the balcony.

"Oh shit!" I screamed before falling on the floor. Because I'm on the heavy side Gloria heard me from downstairs.

"You okay Miss?" She asked from outside the door.

"I am! Don't worry! I'm just uh... going to sleep!" As soon as I said it Noah came out of the shadows. I shouldn't have left the balcony door open. God help me right now I might even push him down that same freaking balcony.

"Hi" Noah whispered after what felt like an eternity.

"Hello, stranger."

"Uh cold. I'm sorry, okay? I was going to call you but some stuff happened and I couldn't."

"Noah you couldn't be any vaguer like seriously. What is so bad that you can't tell me? I'm not going to judge you or try to change you. I just want to know why you weren't here the past week or why you didn't answer my phone calls. I don't want to know everything. I'm not asking you to tell me every secret that you have. I just want to know why you have been ditching me for the past week." I was looking at the floor now.

I have been thinking about this for the past week. Was I not good enough for him? Was it because I was not cute enough? Or skinny enough? Or because I didn't fit in with his world?

"DO you want me to tell you the 100 percent true version or what I tell most people?" I didn't answer so I guess he figured that I mean the whole truth. "The 100 percent then. I was in Mexico for the past week and my phone didn't work there really good."

"Mexico? Why?" I was overstepping but I mean really? Mexico?

"Because being a tattoo artist is not my real job. I can't tell you anything more or you'll be too involved with what I do and believe me you do not want that." Noah came one step closer to me and now I could see that he had bruises on his face. They looked new. At least he didn't have those a week ago.

I couldn't believe he was hurt. I ran over to him and brushed my fingers over the huge bruise he had under his left eye. "Does it hurt?"

"Nah I'm all good now." He smirked which made me notice that his lip was busted.

"Does this hurt?" I asked touching his busted lip.

"Nah not really."

"Well does this hurt?" I asked before placing a very light kiss on the corner of his mouth right where his lip was busted.

"Nah but I bet this will" Noah stated before full on crashing his lips onto mine.

He was so gentle. He took his time and then all of a sudden he started biting my lower lip and it was full of passion. His hands traveled right to my bottom and he gripped it hard.

We were full on making out before Noah pulled back and said "If we don't stop right now I won't be able to stop myself. Like ever."

I smiled to myself and Noah took my face into his hands.

"My god you are so fucking sexy and you don't even know it. The things you do to me, Briella are fucking unbelievable." Now Noah had his left hand in my hair and his right one on my butt.

"I really really like you, Bri. And believe me when I say I won't leave you until you want me to which is I hope not anytime soon."

"Oh and I think I really like you, chico."

"Again with the Spanish. Do you want me to lose control and take you right on that fluffy, pink bed? Because that is how that happens chica. That is how you turn me on."

"Well that is nice to know for later but would you like to watch Netflix right now?"

"And chill?" Noah asked like a lost little puppy.

"No just Netflix and cuddle. Maybe even make out a little bit?" Not a nun. Not a nun.

"Okay, he said." Pounding like a little baby until he jumped on the bed. Noah patted the place right next to him on the bed and I made my way over there. I was kind of afraid that we wouldn't fit but I wasn't too concerned. My bed was quite big. And so was I.

Still, I made my way over to the bed and fell into his arms. I closed my eyes and a few minutes later I heard Noah whisper in my ear "What happened to the Netflix?"

"Ugh I'll get it but then I have to stand up and you smell like sooooo good. What do you use? Do you wash with freaking diamonds or puppies?"

I mean he really smelled good. Very masculine and sweet at the same time.

Anyway, I stood up and made my way over to the desk where my laptop was. Returning to the bed I opened a random movie and half an hour into it, you guessed it, I fell asleep.

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