CHAPTER 5- The Phone Call

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(The Picture is Noah again. He is so sexy)

I hate being woken up and that was happening again. I heard my phone buzzing on the nightstand. I picked it up and whispered a 'Hello'.

"Hey, princessa. Sorry for tonight. I never meant for you to get into this and for you to fall asleep in the middle of the bar. I'm so sorry. Auuuuu" Noah was heavy breathing. After his scream, I was really worried.

"Noah, what is going on? Where are you?"

"It's nothing. It's just a little cut. I'm at Tamy's Church and she's cleaning it up. Honestly, you don't have to worry babe."

"Don't call me that and I'm already up. I'm getting dressed. Give me the address of Tamy's. I'll just call a cab. Don't worry." I said short-breathed. I was already up and getting into sweatpants and a blouse. Weird combo but looks very nice.

"Do you even know what time it is? You will never find a cab this late. I'll just tell Laz to come get you. You stay put." He said barely a whisper. Noah was obviously still in pain. I didn't want to argue so I just said okay and he answered that he would give my number to Laz so that I can sneak down the fire escape without waking up the house. I said thank you and grabbed my purse. I got my wallet, an extra t-shirt, and extra pants. I mean I don't know how long this will take. Grabbing my phone I realized that it was 2 am which means I have 5 hours before I have to wake up for school. Thank god it's Friday. 

Not even 10 minutes after my phone started ringing again.

"Hello, beautiful. I'm outside you can come. Not sexually I mean but maybe we can do that later too." His voice was a bit off.

"I'm coming. I mean I'm coming down... I mean I'm coming down the fire escape." I mentally slapped myself. I set myself up for that. 

I went down the fire escape and saw Laz leaning against the one side of the alley which also happens to be my house. I never thought of him as the wild sex innuendos guy but something was off about him...

"Hey, Laz are you drunk?" I mean he couldn't. He drove his motorcycle here so he couldn't. Right?

"Noooooo. Why would you say that?"

"Oh hell no. I am not getting on that with you drunk."

"I'm not drunk. I just had one drink because all the beating hurt me and Tamy said it would help. Now get on this bike and let me bring you to Tamy's." I wanted to say no and go back to my room but I really wanted to see Noah and I had no other way to get there. I mean he wasn't drunk. He only had one drink. I mean no harm in that right? It was against everything I stand for but I was really worried about Noah.

"Oh screw it. Let's go." 

We made it to Tamy's Church so fast I couldn't even believe my eyes. I rushed inside and saw that Noah was sitting next to the pool table. He had his eyes closed so I just assumed he was asleep. I made my way over to the bar where Tamy was sitting.

"Hey I don't know if you know me but I'm..."

"Briella. I know. Noah wouldn't shut up about you. I also saw you the other day. He said to wake him up when you arrived but he just fell asleep so maybe just leave him for a while."

"Sure." I waited for about 10 minutes until I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I have a question. I don't mean to be rude but when Noah called me he was in a lot of pain. So the question is what happened?"

"Well, I can't tell you what happened. Maybe Noah will when he wakes up."

"Oh, okay," I said looking in my lap. What was the big secret? I mean even if he was in a gang, which I highly doubt, he could tell me. I wouldn't report him or anything but it is his choice. I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't notice someone walk behind me. Noah touched my shoulder lightly. I turned my head around all of a sudden and our heads bumped into each other.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I hurt you. How stupid can a person be?!"

"Calm down Briella. I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. As you can see I'm still alive. Not even a scratch."

"Don't you lie to me. I heard you on the phone. Where is it? Where is your wound? And I don't mean your head injury." I said looking him up and down.

"Okay. If you must then here." 

Noah answered picking his gray t-shirt up. I could see a very big bandage covering up the wound. It was just like in the movies. Yeah, the ones where someone gets shot and they go to the hospital and stuff. But this was pretty well done, I mean Tamy must have some experience. 

"Does it hurt?" I asked. It was a stupid question of course it did but I still wanted to hear it from his mouth.

"No. It did but now that you're here. I don't mind it. I mean if I wouldn't have been stabbed I wouldn't have seen you at what 3 AM in the morning." He had that smirk. My god. His lips were so full. And so kissable.

"Well okay then. I'm happy I came. Alice and I were so worried. How is Alejandro? Is he hurt? Or what about Laz? He seemed pretty out of it."

"Don't worry babe. I was the only one lucky enough to get hurt."

"Oh okay."

"I told you there was nothing to worry about. You see I'm fine and the others are fine too."

"You are not fine, Noah. You have been stabbed. From where I come from that is a big deal. Maybe we should bring you to the hospital."

"No I'm fine and from where I come from a stab wound is a normal Thursday night. Now to get your mind off of these things would you like to test if the pool table still works?"

"Of course but prepare to lose," I answered. I really wanted to know how and why this happened but Noah was hurt and now was not the time. Maybe I could ask him tomorrow or something. I was also a little bit scared. I mean if he was hiding things from me this can't be good right? And did I really want to get involved in something like this?

We played for about 2 or 3 hours and then talked until I fell asleep on one of the chairs. Noah must have covered me up with a blanket. 

I woke up pretty out of it. No one was in the bar. How could Noah leave me alone like this? Pissed I grabbed my phone from my bag and saw that it was 7.30. My school starts at 8. I needed to get home or else Martin would know that something is up. Maybe I could tell him that I woke up early and decided to take a cab to school. He wouldn't be happy but I have done stuff like this before so he would believe me.

I hate lying to Martin but he would freak out if he knew the truth. He said that it was okay and that I should be careful with being robbed a few days ago and all. I didn't tell him that right now I was with my robber at a bar called 'Tamy's Church' and the robber had just been stabbed. Again I did NOT tell him.

I walked out of the bar to look for a cab and saw that Noah was smoking outside. He hadn't left me. Ahhh. 

"Where are you going sleeping beauty?"

"Uhm I'm going to tell you but you can't laugh, okay?" 

He nodded so I went on.

"I have school." I looked at the ground because I knew that he was smirking at me right now.

"Okay. Wait a second. I'll drive you."

"Oh, you don't have to. I'll just catch a cab."

"No need princessa. Charming has you covered." Again with the cute nicknames.

"Okay, Shrek."

"Shrek? Seriously?"

"That is as close to a prince as you can come." I smiled. Noah knew that he looked like a freaking god so he knew that I was joking.

"Hope on." He said after a second. Throwing his cigarette on the floor he handed me a helmet.

"Hold on tight beautiful. And may I say you look stunning in the morning."

"Oh shut up. You just want to get laid."

"Indeed I do" he answered coming a little closer he whispered "but only when I'm around you"

And as soon as he was finished he started the engine and we drove off to our sunset.

Well not really. We drove off to High School.

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