CHAPTER 31- The Letter

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My dear Briella,

it pains me to write this letter but I'm afraid I would not have been able to say the things I want to say to you face to face. You are the most beautiful, fierce, firey lady I have ever met. You are funny and witty and charming. And the sexiest thing about you is that you don't know how special you are. I knew the moment I saw you in Tamy's Church that you would change my life. I wanted to be your sanction. I wanted to be your savior. But someone very close to me beat me to it. I think the one thing I regret the most is not meeting you first. You might be Noah's 'princessa' but without knowing you became my everything. 

So you can imagine my surprise when I heard that you had said yes to Noah's marriage proposal. I had told you what would have happened if you said yes but you chose him anyway so I will be a gentleman and accept the fact that I lost. I tried everything. First I tried staying away from you. But I just couldn't. That's how Noah learned about my feelings because he is sadly my Best Friends after all. I swear to god if he wasn't I wouldn't have even waited as long as I did to make a move. But as you also know in the end I just couldn't stop myself. You are irresistible - no - you, Briella Rose are addictive. You are the weed to my Wiz Kalifa (I knew you would laugh at that). See? I know you better than you know yourself. I'm not trying to make you feel bad so that you'll come back to me. I'm just letting you know what you mean to me. Now and Forevermore. 

But enough abut my one-sided, non-existent love life. As a friend, I wanted to let you know that I won't be around for a while. I just can't watch you live happily ever after without me. But instead with Noah.

That's why I will be traveling for a while. Who knows I might even go back to Britain. 

Before I end this ridiculously long and boring yet romantic letter I want you to know that my heart will always be open for you, Briella. No matter what I will be your friend, a shoulder to cry on, a person to cook breakfast with but just maybe if I distance myself from you I can give someone else the chance to concur my heart like you did. 

Yours truly now and forever,     Xavier

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