CHAPTER 2- The First Night

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I opened my eyes hearing a strange sound. "What do you want?" I screamed into the darkness but no one answered. Then I opened my eyes. Whoever woke me up was a dead man walking.But there was no one there. I was just about to go back to sleep when I heard the noise again. It was coming from the balcony. I got up from my bed and opened the balcony doors. I stepped out expecting to see a bird knocking at my window. You can't guess how many times that actually happens. It was dark outside which made me wonder what time it was. My balcony faced a back alley that was lightened up by a few lights. What I saw was so unbelievable that I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't still dreaming. Nope, this was the reality.

"Good night my beautiful princessa. I'm loving your Mickey Mouse pj's by the way." There was only one person who ever called me princessa, only one stranger.

"Noah?" I whispered into the darkness. That's when I saw them at least 25 people all on motorcycles. Noah was the closest to the building. The others were sitting on their bikes, not moving. It almost looked like they were looking out for something. Noah had a black leather jacket on and he looked handsome for some reason.What is going on for god's sake? 

"Did I join your squad without knowing?" I asked trying to hide the fact that I wasn't wearing a bra by crossing my arm.

"We just thought since you are paying for our drinks tonight you should join us." He whisper-screamed. My parents would kill me if they knew what I was up to. There was no way I would join them.

"No thanks but wait how did you know where I lived?" Oh please don't be what I think it is.

"I had a friend of mine follow you." The words hit me like a well-deserved slap.

"Someone followed me? Geez, Noah, you know how to make a girl feel special."

"Come on princessa. Don't make me come up there. Just wear something on your PJ pants and come down. I swear I won't do anything to you." He chuckled. That is not relieving, at all. I heard one of the guys shout something at Noah. Something like hurry up or maybe the cops are here. I really couldn't hear it. "And anyway you owe me a favor. Remember I gave you your wallet back."

"Said every rapist ever. And you were the one who stole it in the first place." 

"I can't believe you are making me do this princessa." Before I could ask Noah what it was he was doing he got off his bike and started coming closer to our building. There was a fire escape right next to my balcony. Perfect for sneaking out but I never used it before. I know what you're thinking. A 16-year-old girl who never snuck out, how pathetic but to be honest I didn't really have any friends I could sneak out with. Noah started climbing the fire escape. I wanted to scream stop or stranger but there was just something about Noah. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Well, to be fair he did rob me just a few hours ago. Maybe I was just naive. When he reached my balcony I backed out into my room. What was he going to do? Rape me? Oh god, I hope he won't rape me. I'm still a virgin. 

"What are you doing here? In my room? I still don't know you. Like at all."

"Relax princessa I'm here to help you pick out an outfit. We need to be quick. My friends don't really like to wait." He looked around in my room while I was trying to figure out a way to call the cops. How could I trust a complete stranger? But when you think about it I had nothing to lose. I had no friends, no social life, and no plans. He looked like a reasonable young man, right? He could have been a friend from school, except my school was an all-girls school. "Nice room. Where is your closet?" He asked I pointed at the big pink door that leads to my dressing room. I was just about to call the cops when Noah came back with leather pants and a black blouse. Both were bought by my lovely mother so that and I quote 'looked more hip so would become more popular'. I never actually wore them. 

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