CHAPTER 20- The First Time

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(Picture is Noah shirtless smoking a cigarette. To be honest, don't know what's hotter the burning part of the cigarette or Noah.)


I was about to hit the floor when two large hands wrapped themselves around my naked body. Both of them resting right above my butt. Then I saw them. Xavier's beautiful eyes. He was turning different shades of red and I realize it was because I was totally naked. I mean everything. No I literally mean birthday suit.

So I started babbling: "OH MY GOD! I'm so sorry. I am so soo sorry. Your poor eyes. You had to see this awfulness. God, why am I so clumsy? I am so stupid."

Xavier chuckled and took out his shirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked shocked.

Without saying anything, just laughing he pulled the shirt over my exposed upper body. I could feel that he didn't want to look at my body.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. You could have had a heart attack. I mean seeing my body must be like having a SAW marathon." I joked.

The reaction that came out of Xavier was more unexpected than I had ever seen.

"Don't ever say something like that again. You, Briella are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Your curves are so perfect. I just wish you could see yourself through my eyes." He said looking at his hands and as I was about to say something he stormed into his room.

Well, that was weird. Sooo weird.

I got dressed in my sleeping shorts and I didn't want to wear one of my shirts so I stole one of Noah's. It even smelled like him. This weird smell which reminded me of fairy tales and neverland.

I looked at my phone and the first thing I noticed is that I had 11 missed calls from Martin. My mom and dad hadn't even called once. ONCE. I kept the tears from running down my cheeks and dialed Martin's number. He picked up after the second ring.

"Oh god, pumpkin where are you? I was so worried. Your mom keeps telling me that you are okay and not to worry but she didn't want to tell me where you were. Are you okay?"

"Yes, Martin. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. And don't use the tracking app on my phone. I'll know Martin. I'll know. I'm just staying at a friends house. I will call you whenever I can. And don't tell my parents anything. And I mean anything."

"Okay pumpkin but call me if you need anything. Or just call me in general. I get so worried about you."

"I know. I love you, Martin."

"I love you too, pumpkin."

And with that, the conversation was over. I still knew that Martin was worried about me but I couldn't tell him where I was or he would tell my parents.

As I was putting my phone down on the nightstand, I heard the door open and close. Soon the bed was filled with someone's body heat. Noah wrapped his arms around me and embraced me into his chest. He made his way over to my neck and started kissing it. In the middle of every kiss, he said: "I. Go. Crazy. When. You. Wear. My. Shirts."

I was sure he was giving me a hickey so I said:" Noah you are going to give me a hickey."

"So what? I want everyone to see that you're mine. I love you and I want to feel you lay in my arms and I want to smell your sweet smell forever. Oh, sexy lady, I want to have your babies. I want to have little Briella's walking around playing with little me's. That is a good picture to paint." He sighed. I could feel him tensing up.

"What's wrong Noah? Is something bothering you?" I turned around to look him in the eyes.

"It's just I want you so bad, Briella. I can't risk to lose you. I can't even imagine to lose you. I have a complicated past and I know that I'm not good enough for you but I still want you. How selfish of me? How fucking selfish of me? I saw what happened with Xavier and I was so mad at first because I saw the way he looks at you. I can see the way he wants you. But I can't let you go. You don't know this but you are the sunshine of my life. I have done so many bad things in the past and then joined the gang. I am sure that your parents will not approve of me but yet I still want you. I still need you."

"Noah no matter what happens I love you and that won't change. What happened with Xavier was an accident and I am sure that you are misreading the whole situation. I love him like a brother and I am sure he only cares for me like a little sister. Don't worry I'm yours and as long as you'll have me, I'm here. I'm here in your bed, laying next to you, your heat against my heat. I want to feel your heat, Noah." I said kissing him.

"It's time. I am ready, Noah. I am ready. I don't want to live under the same roof as my father anymore. I want to stay here with you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life", I said barely a whisper.

And as on cue, Noah crashed his lips on mine. The kiss started out furious, demanding but soon it was sweet. I could feel Noah's tongue demanding entrance. Soon he took out my shirt or rather his shirt and for a second I froze. Noah felt this and whispered kissing all over my body: "I love you and I love your body. You are more than perfect for me."

And I loved him even more for accepting me as no one has ever before.

While Noah was taking off my shorts, I was taking off his shirt and soon we were both in only our underwear. And soon we were both naked. Noah was so gentle with me. I told him that it was my first time and he was so understanding. Oh so understanding but then the second time was more demanding. And more satisfying. After a while, I forgot where we were, what we were doing or what time it was. It was just Noah and me becoming one.

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